Actually, Nancy Pelosi has refused to debate *any* of her
challengers, alternative party or otherwise, since she was first
elected back in (IIRC) 1982. Perhaps if people *had* mouthed off
enough about it, she would have been embarrassed into debating! I'm
reminded of the bumper sticker (which goes equally for both genders as
far as I'm concerned), "Well behaved women rarely make history."
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
"Power concedes nothing without a demand."
-Frederick Douglass
Hi Starchild,
True, but in the case of Libertarians, she might have a reason for not debating -- she can always claim she prefers polite debate!!
One of these days you and I will have to have a "debate" on aspects of effective vs. counter-productive "bad behavior".
Ah, but what if bad behavior makes a better debater?
At least in formal debate, it doesn't. Back in high school, I qualified for
the National Forensic League nationals in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. I assure
you, the jerks get weeded out in early rounds. This is how Jon Stewart was
able to get Tucker Carlson fired and Crossfire canceled. 
Arguably some of the worst behavior of all, for a political
candidate, is simply refusing to debate, and that doesn't seem to have
hurt Pelosi too badly. I'm sure Phil as a challenger would much rather
have her show up and behave like a jerk, than not show up.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))