Petitions for Christina Tobin

Dear All,

Richard Winger, Campaign Manager for Christina Tobin for Secretary of State, indicated that Christina's petitions are ready. S of S being a state-wide election, I believe Christina's candidacy will help keep us on the ballot in California.

I suggested a Petition Party if anyone is willing to host. Also tabling at the Farmer's Market might be a good strategy, where we could have petitions for all three of our candidates. Precinct walking, as I and others did for Phil the last time, is the most difficult by the most efficient.

I am volunteering to table at the Farmer's Market beginning in February if at least one other Activist is with me. So, raise your hand, step up to the plate, do some party building, by supporting our three brave candidates.



I can work Sat the 27th.


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Thank you so much, Mike. I may be dead wrong on this, but I believe the deadline for turning in signatures in lieu for S of S is February 25th. If someone knows better than I, please let us know.


If so, I am unfortunately booked all the rest of the Feb Saturdays.

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Mike, Ok, think you. Anybody else.