Hi All! Please take a look at this petition and sign it if you think it's a good idea. I just did. This is regarding the imposition of Agenda 21 in the Bay Area, which has already started. I attended the SPUR meeting last Tuesday (June 26) in San Francisco to see for myself this process in action. You could tell right from the start that there's been trouble at these meetings before when the lady running the meeting warned that there would be no interruptions, yelling, or uncivil behavior allowed at this meeting and there would time for public input after the presentation. The presentation itself was pretty boring and innocuous, with the presenters sticking to the script of the handouts very closely and not going into too much detail. The thrust of the plan is to get folks out of their single-family homes and cars and into densely populated apartment buildings and public transportation. And they intend to do this with taxpayer tax
dollars. The interesting part of the meeting was the public comment part. Around 10 people got up and gave their input. Several were government agency types complimenting the plan and adding little recommendations to make sure that it happens smoother. Two separate speakers involved in separate lawsuits with various government agencies were not happy with the plan and detailed various faults with it. One elderly Asian woman read a long, prepared ranting speech highly critical of the global warming issue, the environmental movement, and specific bureaucrats. She went on and on, and they warned her to end her speech, because she was taking too much time. She was ranting, but I liked the irreverent tone of her speech. Even I (who disdains public speaking) got up and spoke a bit about the sanctity of single-family homes and private cars, and how living in dense housing might not suit everyone's lifestyle.
They are taking written comments until July 11 on this issue. If you couldn't attend the hearing, here's a chance to speak out against this dangerous agenda. Please send a written comment to: Ashley Nguyen, EIR Project Manager/Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Josepho P. Bort MetroCenter/101 Eight Street/Oakland, CA 94607-4700. In addition to speaking, I will also send a letter. While these are unelected bureaucrats, the more negative input they hear, the harder they will have to work to push this stuff through.
This One Bay Area project is a good one for the LPSF to take up--and it personally gets my blood to boiling. I first found out about it at the State LP Convention in March and then learned more about it at Jim Elwood's last beer bust. It is very extreme environmentalism at the worst. Though it all sounds reasonable and lofty, it will be enforced by mandates, laws, and zoning. Here's one of the alternatives listed on one of the handouts given at the SPUR meeting: eliminate inter-regional commute--all jobs filled by Bay Area residents. So driving in from Tracy to The City would no longer be allowed under this option--this would severely limit job opportunities of workers and potential employees for companies. As always, Big Government sticking its nose in to private matters--to create havoc, as always.
Anyway, please read below and sign the petition, if you agree. (No need to donate, if you don't feel like it--I didn't.)