Fellow Libertarians,
Please consider our petition requesting redress for the expulsion of Mark
Selzer. Three members of the LPC Operating Committee, Aaron Starr, M
Carling, and Dan Wiener, used their office unfairly to eject Mark Selzer
from the Party, and from his position as Southern California Vice Chair.
Mark Selzer has been reinstated, but we must not let an unjust action become
a precedent in the Libertarian Party.
Out petition demands only that these three members of the Operating
Committee step down until they face a vote of confidence, and requests that
they apologize or explain themselves as they see fit. We have created a
website for the petition and background information, at
On November 28, 2005 we will send the petition to the members of the LPC
Judicial Committee to ask for a hearing on its merits, per Bylaw 13, Section
3, paragraph 2. (Sitting on the Judicial Committee are Rodney Austin
(Chair), Mark Hinkle, Gail Lightfoot, Starchild, and Bob Weber. )
We welcome any member of the Libertarian Party of California to sign our
petition. You can read the petition at the web site above. Let us know if
we can add your name.
These three officials expelled Mark Selzer for what, they say, they thought
they heard him say he did. (Yes, that is correct.) He never did it. He
didn't say it. Even if he had done it, the act probably would not have
violated the Bylaws. Even if it did, they had no authority to suspend a
member, anyway. But they gave Mark Selzer no chance to prove the truth
before passing judgment, and throwing him out of the Party.
If we Libertarians intend to govern a free people, we must first respect due
process in our own affairs. Please read our petition, send us your
comments, and if you believe our cause is just, let us add your name.
Please forward this message to any Libertarian list or LPC member who might
hear our plea.
yours in Liberty
Harland Harrison
Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of San Mateo County, CA
(title for identification only)