Hi Starchild,
<< Schiff is the son of tax resistor and former Libertarian Party
presidential aspirant Irwin Schiff, who served time in jail as a
political prisoner on tax-related charges. >>
I'm glad you made this fact known. I seldom give in to superlatives, but
I must say that Irwin Schiff is the greatest living patriot in America.
For over 30 years he fought a virtual one-man battle against the IRS. He
refused to file and pay income taxes for this simple fact: No one is
required to pay income taxes or file such returns, because no law
requires anyone to do so. (He never said income taxes are
unconstitutional, as many, including prosecutors and judges, have
alleged him to say. Rather, he has always maintained that the income tax
is unconstitutionally collected.) He presented his thorough research in
several books. His magnum opus is The Federal Mafia: How the government
illegally imposes and unlawfully collects the income tax. The government
once tried to ban it, but was only able to forbid Irwin from selling it.
Indeed you could download it for free, along with his other books at:
Yet, despite Irwin's impeccably researched and irrefutable evidence, the
government with the connivance of the Department of Justice and the
Federal Courts, in a "mind-boggling collusion," had railroaded him in
several kangaroo courts and star chambers, and jailed him several times.
Even today he is in jail for the "crime" of failing to pay income taxes
or file such returns. ("Political prisoner" extraordinaire is certainly
an apt description of him.)
The saddest thing, though, is how the Freedom Movement have marginalized
and ignored Irwin. Many consider him a crackpot, a fraud, a charlatan
and worse. Yet, none could refute his research. Or bravely follow his
Still, to directly challenge the government (a la Boston Tea Party?)
where it would really hurt it the most is nothing for the faint of
heart. Doing so separates the . . . whatever. But that doesn't mean we
cannot read and study Irwin's research. We at least owe that much to
him. And I suppose we could always be armchair tax protesters.
Anyhow, I hope you were able to see Peter Schiff tonight. And I thank
you for not forgetting Peter's father, Irwin.
Talk to you.
Sorry for the late notice on this, but hard to always keep on top of
everything. Free market economist Peter Schiff will be speaking in San
Francisco tonight:
WHEN: 6pm (box office closes at 6 o'clock, so you must arrive before
then to buy a ticket, unless you get one online
WHERE: Marines Memorial Theater, 609 Sutter Street, 2nd floor (cross
street Mason)
COST: $20, includes a copy of his latest book "How an Economy Grows
and Why it Crashes"
Peter Schiff heads his investment firm Euro Pacific Capital and ran
as a Ron Paul Republican for U.S. Senate in Connecticut, but did not get
elected. He is well regarded as an economic prognosticator, and also
hosts a radio show, on the April 3 edition of which he debated
well-known libertarian anarchist Stefan Molyneux on the topic of
minarchy vs. anarchy -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jEEnP7YEQE
(thanks Michael Edelstein for the tip and link). Schiff is the son of
tax resistor and former Libertarian Party presidential aspirant Irwin
Schiff, who served time in jail as a political prisoner on tax-related