Patent Systems Not an Effective Incentive


I retract my defamation of David and Starchild. In fact, they're fine, upstanding libertarian anarchists with this one minor deviation. I have full confidence with thought and study they'll come around.

You wrote:

maybe our discussion should focus on how we devise methods
by which that could be accomplished privately?

Many software firms (according to Boldrin and Levine) protect their investment without having a state-sponsored monopoly, by building on it with intensive R&D. This allows them to innovate further, staying ahead of their competitors.

Warm regards, Michael

Dear Michael,

Exactly!! Your post now offers an excellent example of a private, voluntary solution! Great if we focus on such remedies!

PS As David says, no need to retract. I will wager that most on this list are comfortable with any of us once on a while feeling so intensely about a subject that we grope for expletives, like "socialism."
