Hi All! This is the first of 4 emails that I will forward to this list. There are only 4 ballot measures for San Francisco for the November election. They are all bad measures each worthy of an official LPSF argument against them. Three of the measures are for new or increased taxes, and the fourth is something right out of Agenda 21 to restore Hetch Hetchy in Yosemite Valley by dismantling the dam there. The focus of the LPSF for the next month will be on writing arguments against these ballot measures. Depending on whether the "against" arguments get pre-empted by one of the Supervisors, we stand a pretty good chance of winning the "free argument" lottery, if we submit lots of arguments against them. Since the first three measures are for increased/new taxes, they will have much support in our city, and I don't think any officials will come out against them. It will be just us and the Republicans who will submit arguments against
them--and it may as well be us to win the lottery. The fourth ballot measure will be more controversial and likely to have more arguments (paid) for and against, so that would be the least likely one for us to win the lottery, but it's still worth a try.
Both Marcy and Les have graciously offered to write arguments against this Parcel Tax measure (attached). This is for a special new $79/parcel tax for the CCSF District. It will be assessed annually for 8 years "for educational purposes," and it needs a 2/3 vote to pass. The goal here is to get lots of arguments against, so if others want to join in and write additional arguments, that's just fine. The more, the better.
Arguments are due by noon on Thursday, August 16, and I suspect that Starchild and I will be down at City Hall that morning submitting tons of paperwork. The lottery will be at 2:00 that day, and rebuttals are due at noon on Monday, August 20.
Please help to get the Libertarian message out that new and more taxes are wrong and self-defeating and help to write arguments against these measures. Now is the time for us to do our thing.