P.S. - Re: [lpsunshine] UPDATE - Straw Poll - Re: [lpusmisc] Re: [Lnc-discuss] Recap of LNC decisions pertaining to Audit Committee

Those who did not vote on Dianna Visek's motion because they were not present in Dallas (Dave Blau, Lee Wrights) and/or because they were alternates, your input would be appreciated as well:

Which of the following reflects your position?

(a) I would support a motion for Michael Cloud to repay a figure lower than $33,000 to the party (if so, input on what you think would be a fair amount would be helpful)
(b) I do not think Michael Cloud should be required to repay any of the money

Love & Liberty,
                                   ((( starchild )))
At-Large Representative, Libertarian National Committee

P.S. - For the folks reading this not on the LNC, I encourage you to contact your LNC representatives -- ask them where they stand on this, and encourage them to support repayment of at least some of this money to the Libertarian Party. For those needing to get up to speed on the background of this issue, if you go to IndependentPoliticalReport.com and do a search for "Audit Committee", you'll find a number of articles. LP member George Phillies has a number of suggested questions for members of the LNC here -- http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2013/12/george-phillies-questions-for-the-libertarian-party-national-party-members-to-consider/

A conversation about Michael McCloud and what he should do...without Michael McCloud, is insane and reveals a fundamental disconnect with reality.

He is in an equal position in the arrangement, with the LP, unless he broke the law with theft, robbery, fraud, etc. He is not liable because the LP is STUPID.

Which is it? Is McCloud a criminal? Or is the LP stupid, novice, deranged, etc?

Or...is he an equal principal in the arrangement and entitled to an equal voice in the conversation?



  Michael Cloud (not "McCloud") sits on the LNC, and voted on the motion that was proposed to require him to repay much of the money he was paid (he voted against it). So he definitely has a voice in the conversation. I'm not calling him a criminal, but I think he took advantage of the party and should repay the money. I don't think this happened because the other people on the Libertarian National Committee are stupid; I think it happened because our operations function poorly due to lack of transparency. Delegates and state parties haven't always made the best choices about who to elect to serve on the committee, imho.

Love & Liberty,
                                   ((( starchild )))