Thank you for your informative messages. Good thing there's federal regulations requiring this stuff be reported, so we can know what's going on in our own organization, eh?
What I get from the info you've provided is that last year Libertarian candidates got about $7,500 that might or might not have reached them otherwise. Aside from the donors supplying this cash getting only about a 53% effective return on their donations, the practical cost of them receiving this money via the government-approved structure the party has set up to legally circumvent the government's own campaign-finance rules, has been giving Wayne Allyn Root control of a national committee and website with the party's name on them, via which to promote himself and his conservative-leaning views and otherwise use as he pleases with a minimum of accountability to the Libertarian National Committee.
Of course if we didn't have the LNCC, some donors might find other possibly less-legal ways to circumvent the campaign-finance limits and get the money to deserving Libertarian candidates to whom they'd maxed out their donations, such as getting friends, family members or colleagues to write checks, which would be just shocking and horrible. This is assuming that the $7,500 or so was in fact given to candidates to whom the people originally supplying those funds could not have otherwise legally given the money, which we don't seem to know for sure to be the case.
If anyone on the LNC thinks this assessment unfair, or that I am missing something, please let me know.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))