OT: Police work

        I don't think police officers have one of the worst jobs in the city,
at least from their point of view (personally you couldn't pay me
enough to prosecute people for some of the laws they enforce.)
According to a comparison of occupational hazards found at
<http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/dangerousjobs.htm&gt;, what they
do is less dangerous than fishing, driving a truck or taxi, or
construction work, among other occupations. And I think they make
better money than people in any of those jobs.

Sorry to quibble here, but as noted, the study cites only job related

I remember in the 80s there was a public study that said Rodeo Clown
was actually the most dangerous gig of the day. Either they found a
safer way to work, or that study gave injuries a bit more weight.

When you consider the frequency of non-fatal scuffles and the
psychological impact of facing potentially dangerous conflict on a
routine basis, and I still say cops have it worst. I found some stats
specific to policework here: