HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE PLANNING TO COME TO THE OPT-OUT ORGANIZERS MEETING -tentatively set for noon? Please suggest other times.
The default location for the meeting is Starchild's home in SF.
Marcy makes a great point about Opt-out day signage. People need to focus on their options. If we choose the free speech zone at midday we will have a fairly good seat to throw a handmade sign over the front of the booth saying something distinct about Opting-out of the new TSA practices and procedures.
Starchild mentioned more about the public-private bureaucracy@ SFO. A little bird told me about an airport commission who makes decisions on whether or not TSA can or can't perform certain duties at this airport. We might actually create some long-term luck if we elect someone to the commission or create a proposal to route our dissent over more of the TSA's policies towards the commission.
Just to retread, there was some confusion over this past Wednesday as an organizing day for this event. I didn't plan, create, organize or agree for anything on Wednesday and in fact I was quite ill on Wednesday. So to the exclusion of Wednesday 11-17, I have been working quite steadily with Starchild on the event. I do apologize for any further confusion. I have submitted communication to the group (certain members know of my actions); which didn't make it onto the list due to heavy file attachments.
Going forward, I don't anticipate much other than agreeing on what to do next about Opt-out day.