Opposition to City Hall Motion to Dismiss

Today Phil Berg and I completed the filing for the Appeal. As it turns out, the lawyer for City Hall changed the status of the initial filing from Limited to Unlimited in the court Judgement against our case without notice or action by the court. Completely illegal. The judge signed it but it is uncertain whether he even noticed it or not. In any case, they were using this a reason why our appeal was "defective" because we used "Limited". Limited means a claim of under $25K. I guess the fine print says that if we are seeking injunctive relief (overturning and election) it needs to be "Unlimited". In any case, it would require an action of the court to do that...something not done. And I thought you all might enjoy reading this opposition document. Richard did a fine job if you ask me.

Everything is on track for the appeal so far. If granted the appeal, we will need to raise some money....around $5K. Appeals are complicated and do require an attorney to navigate. I paid for this appeal and the court transcript myself ($300 total). If anyone wants to assist, you are most welcome to contribute.

Michael Denny
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
No On Prop A
(415) 608-0269

Opposition to Defendants Motion to Dismiss.pdf (508 KB)