Oh! You said "conservative Republican", and I imagined something
different. If Bart's just a Ron Paul supporter, I still consider that
part of the broader libertarian movement. Have his *ideas* actually
changed at all, or just his party registration and personal approach
to promoting freedom?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
I see your point, Starchild, that a Ron Paul Republican is not the same as a conservative Republican. I would say, Bart's personal approach to promoting freedom has changed. I appreciate your interest, because Bart's conversion to Republicanism might give us an insight as to why there may be tons of liberty-loving folks, but not many Libertarians. I do not have the answer. I am just puzzled.
Are you two really trying to get me debating on the Activists list?
Why would you want to debate the obvious? (Step on toes time?)
Hee Hee.