Open query...

I do not think that anyone doubts that the Iraqis had thousands of gallons of
anthrax and lots of nerve gas. The noise I hear now is just the "chattering-
class" looking for some traction in Bush criticism. Rather than carping about a
just war we just won, or at least a major battle in it, they should be thinking
more about the challenge to constitutional freedoms posed by necessary ant-
terrorism measures. We as a nation always seem to overdo this sort of thing
(e.g. Attorney General Palmer's raid on aliens in the 1920s, McCarthy in the
50s, but there were lots of Bolshies in the cities and the venona traffic
proves there were lots of Commies in the government, etc.) I keep coming back
to "cut off the money" to keep the sovereign disciplined. I can't figure out
why the solution to California's budget problem is not as simple as fire all
the state workers and sell all the state land. What's so hard about that?