Only Two Days Left for Plan Bay Area Online Town Hall

Hi All! The central planners are conducting an online "town hall" to gauge public opinion about Plan Bay Area. Of course most of the public has never even heard of Plan Bay Area, but they want it to look like the process has been "democratic." Now is a good time to go to their website and post a few comments about the 25-year plan for 7.2 million residents. The town hall will be over on Thursday at 4 PM, so I wouldn't dilly dally if you're going to make the worthwhile effort. Here's the link: You have to register to post or support comments, but that can be done easily in 2 minutes. By the way, when you click on the chapters to read them (if you have time), they take several minutes to open, but they do open eventually.

The bureaucrats are planning to wrap up the whole thing and make the final decision in the summer, so this is one of the last chances to make your voice heard.


Hi Aubrey,

I just posted, and clicked the "support" button on your post. The thought occurred to me after I posted that I did not see any other names besides yours and mine, although I may be incorrect; the others seemed to say "name not shown." Interesting, that the two Libertarians were the two brave posters!! BTW, I just had the strength to post under Chapter 4, Investments.


Sorry I didn't have time and they were going to make me change my cookie policy to post.


And, by the way, some good posting on the site from others.

The comments from the "pro" side were so much like that funny animation that went around it was hysterical.


Thinking about it might be a good idea to post the link to that animation.

Seriously should be dropped into every one of those lists. I can't do it but if someone else can...there you have it.


I just had the energy to read the "Investments" responses, and I was pleased that most of the posts were indeed pretty good. I did not see a lot of vehemently "against" posts though. True, the "pro" posts were a bit on the PC side, like the animation!


Hi Marcy and Mike! I finally finished the last chapter and posted my final comment on the Town Hall. Thanks for your post, Marcy. I supported it and enjoyed your comments about the surveillance cameras and transponders tracking our every move and also about risk and investments. A good take on whose money it is.

Yes, most folks did not post their names, but some did. I feel no shame about my views and could think of no good reason not to post my actual name. I'm sure the MTC Board (who are reading the posts according to the Town Hall) will not be endeared by my comments.


I figured since I spoke on the record at their public hearing (and may do so again), it would be more effective to comment anonymously and let them think it might be someone else, so they don't think it's just a handful of the same folks objecting. Besides which I think a healthy approach when dealing with the government is, "Individual Privacy, Government Transparency". Unless there's something to be gained by giving them more information, and in this case I couldn't see much to be gained.

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))