Olbermann "Your Words Are Lies, Sir."

View Keith Olbermann's passionate, wake-up call to the growing threat in our midst.

Best, Michael

The Oberman editorial has been on my site
for weeks. www.choosepeacenow.us

The cone of silence descends. KGO radio
host Pete Wilson is backing away from an
enthusiastic commitment to sponsor a
debate w Congressional candidates.

The league of women voters refuses to
sponsor a debate. The head of LWV is also
the PR person for the Presidio.

Our only outlet is the Fog City Journal,
breakoff from the Sentinal after the
Sentinal was bought out a consortium of
downtown interesrts..

--- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com,
<dredelstein@...> wrote:

View Keith Olbermann's passionate,

wake-up call to the growing threat in our

