Dear Everyone;
I this one early this morning and apparently it got losted somewhere in the ether and it's too important to let fall through the yahoo system cracks. So another stab at it which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. ( where the heck that saying ever got started beats the heck outa me)
Some important medical information. It's gross gruesome ghastly horrible horrendus and yucky - but you nevah know when it could come in handy to know.
Wait for the download it's slow even with dsl.>1=7932
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Ugghhhh. And why is this on lpsf-discuss list? Are Libertarians more prone to this?
Ron Getty <tradergroupe@...> wrote:
Dear Everyone;
I this one early this morning and apparently it got losted somewhere in the ether and it's too important to let fall through the yahoo system cracks. So another stab at it which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. ( where the heck that saying ever got started beats the heck outa me)
Some important medical information. It's gross gruesome ghastly horrible horrendus and yucky - but you nevah know when it could come in handy to know.
Wait for the download it's slow even with dsl.>1=7932
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
U s government grant Libertarian party U s government student loan California politics
Dear Francoise;
When any Libertarian sees how their forcibly taken tax money is used their eyes bulge and sometimes even pop out.
Ron Getty
SF Linbertarian
Francoise Fielding <mdm2548@...> wrote:
Ugghhhh. And why is this on lpsf-discuss list? Are Libertarians more prone to this?
Ron Getty <tradergroupe@...> wrote:
Dear Everyone;
I this one early this morning and apparently it got losted somewhere in the ether and it's too important to let fall through the yahoo system cracks. So another stab at it which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. ( where the heck that saying ever got started beats the heck outa me)
Some important medical information. It's gross gruesome ghastly horrible horrendus and yucky - but you nevah know when it could come in handy to know.
Wait for the download it's slow even with dsl.>1=7932
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Francoise Fielding
820 Stanyan Street,#5
San Francisco, CA 94117