[Occupier/Occupied by Cindy Sheehan and URGENT action alert!]

And this is why it's good to have Cindy running against Nancy. Makes
the Libertarian seem like the rational alternative to the Pelosi machine:

"Let's play the "al-Qaeda committed 9-11" game."

Yes, a candidate for Congress who did shockingly well in the polls
actually said that in an email to tens of thousands of voters.


(Attachment Occupier/Occupied by Cindy Sheehan and URGENT action alert!.eml is missing)


Not sure I understand. The federal government has said, I believe, that
the reason Osama isn't on the Most Wanted list is that there is no
evidence linking him to 9/11. Kevin Barrett, who ran as a Libertarian
candidate for Congress in Wisconsin this year, is a prominent "9/11

Dear Rob,

Would you not agree with me that with perhaps one or two minor
deviations, overall Cindy's letter is eloquent, passionate, deeply
compassionate, principled and reflects what most libertarian
anarchists believe, yet have not had the public forum to broadcast?

Warm regards, Michael

I'd say that Cindy's platform's deviations from libertarian anarchism
are anything but minor.


Even though I'm not an anarchist myself, I'm almost certain that most
would disagree with a majority of her ideas. Seems to me that her
default answer for any question is for government to solve the problem.


dredelstein@threeminutetherapy.com wrote:

Dear Rob,

I'm not referring to her platform. I'm referring to the letter of hers
you sent us earlier and commented on negatively.

Warm regards, Michael