NOW is the time to donate to Ron Paul if you want him to win - 3rd Quarter ends 9/30

NOW is the time to donate to Ron Paul if you want him to win - 3rd Quarter ends 9/30.

If you donate now, your contributions will be reported by the FEC in the 3rd Qtr. Report which will be released to media and public 15 days after the end of the quarter.

If Ron Paul has considerable donations by the end of the 3rd quarter, this will help with:

1. Credibility as a viable candidate among media

2. Free publicity by media who will report this

3. Ability to meet criteria to continue in the debates.

Bonus: if you purchase campaign merchandise at the "Store" section at your purchases will be considered by the FEC to be included as contributions. That way you can contribute, while at the same time get Ron Paul campaign merchandise (such as signs, bumper stickers, buttons, T-shirts, hats, whatever.)

If you want Ron Paul to win this election and fix this country which is drifting rapidly towards a totalitarian state, please donate and/or purchase merchandise at BEFORE 9/30, which is less than 2 weeks away. He needs your most generous donation. Maximum allowed is $2300 per person.

Feel free to forward this to anybody you think might be a Ron Paul supporter.