Thanks for your input. Yes, voting by email does allow an "up to 7 day voting period", but if the necessary number of people vote within an hour, two hours, four hours, etc., then a vote can be concluded within that amount of time. And members can always call up other members by phone and say "Your vote is needed ASAP, please get on email and send it now". And I would prefer allowing a shorter time for email votes in time-sensitive situations to altogether denying the LNC a vote in such situations. So respectfully no, the argument you've made here is not enough to convince me of the necessity of an Executive Committee. How often does a situation like the Treasurer resigning without notice come up anyway? Besides which we now have an Assistant Treasurer.
The fact that the 7-member LNC Executive Committee was just given authority to negotiate a contract with the Gary Johnson campaign without the full Libertarian National Committee even being allowed to *see* that contract before it goes into effect, did nothing to make me more comfortable with the ExCom's existence. It seems to me that its main function is to take away some of the full committee's power and put it into the hands of a smaller number of insiders.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))