No, we never met on Bay Ave, and I never said we did. This is just a thought, but I would like to throw it out there: Does it really matter how many people attend a meeting? What is the objective of our meetings? If the objective is planning events that will forward our reason for existing (and that is not eating free pizza), raise funds to enable action, decide on the bean counting that goes along with ballot measures and fielding candidates --heck, we can do all that right on this list without ever leaving the house! or with the excom (and / or others that want to work) meeting anywhere.
If we might be thinking the monthy meetings might qualify as a promotional event. Ok let's try the pizza and beer for a while and see whether that traslates into furthering objectives, or not. Just meeting for pizza, and that is it, would not get me to go to a meeting.
Like I said, just a thought, and not intended to be the start of any etherial discussion on our objrctives, or lack of them.