Next SF town hall meeting on medical pot - May 9, 6-9pm (SF)

The next SF town hall meeting on medical marijuana will be held again at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin Street, from 6-9pm on May 9. I attended the last one -- though missed most of it, because they changed the location and didn't post the info in advance that I saw, so I didn't find out until I went down to New College at 18th and Valencia that it wasn't happening anywhere near there. It was a generally congenial discussion among medical pot advocates. Some wanted more regulation than others, but the group as a whole seems fairly freedom-oriented on the subject. Straw polls were taken among attendees on numerous specific issues, and there was much frank discussion; a few libertarians showing up could make a real difference, especially if they are informed on the local politics of the issue.

Yours in liberty,
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