"Next 10 Budget Town Hall" Announcement

Hello All,
The Libertarian Party of San Francisco and one of its "partners in liberty" Golden Gate Liberty Revolution are encouraging attendance at Assemblyman Phil Ting's "Next 10 Budget Town Hall."
“Next 10” is an interactive set up whereby participants contribute their input to scenarios. In this case, participants will collaborate in allocating revenues and expenditures to the California budget.

If participants are all tax-and-spend progressives, the resulting budget will reflect their liberal-leaning choices. A different budget will result from a liberty-leaning fiscal-conservative audience, or even a mixed audience.

We were advised that Assemblyman Ting would be at this event, even if briefly before the interactive session starts:
Thursday, May 11, 2017, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
County Fair Building, Golden Gate Park
1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122
We were told by Phil Ting's office that RSVP would be appreciated but not required to participate.
It would be great if you RSVP's at the GGLR Meetup Group to encourage others to also attend.
Hope to see you there.
Aubrey Freedman, Chair
Libertarian Party of San Francisco
www.lpsf.org http://www.lpsf.org