Go to www.lp.org and you'll see a nice new logo, a countdown clock, and nothing else.
<<< starchild >>>
Go to www.lp.org and you'll see a nice new logo, a countdown clock, and nothing else.
<<< starchild >>>
interesting.. that guy looks a lot like Stephen
Colbert. Republican though, you can tell from his red
tie. heh
--- Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
Ugh. It's supposed to be our national chair, Mike Dixon. I know, he looks like one of the politicians he's supposed to be helping get rid of. I can't say I'm terribly impressed with the redesign. Although it looks like they did at least make the platform a bit more prominently listed.
Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>
interesting.. that guy looks a lot like Stephen
Colbert. Republican though, you can tell from his red
tie. hehd
--- Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
> Go to www.lp.org and you'll see a nice new logo, a
> countdown clock,
> and nothing else.
> <<< starchild >>>
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Dear Everyone;
Can't say a whole lot either for the face in the shadows Statue of Liberty Libertarian Party logo. Why the no face disguise? What's wrong with an an open discernible face on Lady Liberty?
The flash video remove politicians service will give JibJab no contest that's for sure.
Flash video politician removal service has got to go including the cattle prod. Don't those people know anything about the tortures at Gitmo and other CIA rendition centers? Or Abu Ghraib? Or worse the cattle prods used on Black protestors during the 60's by state storm troopers?
Someone needs to tell them to wake up and pay attention to what's going on out there in the world.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
Ugh. It's supposed to be our national chair, Mike Dixon. I know, he
looks like one of the politicians he's supposed to be helping get rid
of. I can't say I'm terribly impressed with the redesign. Although it
looks like they did at least make the platform a bit more prominently
Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>
You make some good points. Not only is the video of relatively poor quality for something displayed at that level, but as you suggest, it's in rather questionable taste as well. If something's going to be in poor taste, can't it at least be funnier, like South Park? It also seems to suggest that the main problem is politicians goofing off and not working hard enough, which is hardly the point. And hiding the Statue of Liberty's face seems like an unintentionally ironic reflection of the desire by some in the party to hide our libertarian ideology. The white "days until general election" rectangle is a sore thumb, and the overall new color scheme won't win any prizes either... I wish I could find something else good to say about it. OK, the American flag's gone, I guess that's good as far as making the party seem less conservative.
Except for the surface look though, the contents of the site don't appear terribly different. At least one link, the daily poll (which is on making English the national language, in case anyone wants to vote), still brings up a page with the old banner. It's pretty hard to see what the point of this redesign was, and I can only hope that not much effort went into it -- especially when we apparently still don't have a functioning national database system that gets inquiries and membership updates sent regularly to the appropriate state and local parties. No one in our group has gotten any data of this sort from national recently, have they?
Seems to me that ought to be one of the most important, if not *the* most important day-to-day function of the national office. I mentioned this to their development guy (Marc Scribner? not sure of his name, since the staff list on the new site does not seem to include it) a week ago or so, and he agreed it was a very high priority. He really seemed to be listening to the criticisms I expressed as reflected in the Grassroots Libertarians Caucus values, too. It would be nice to see evidence that someone up there is giving the Grassroots perspective some serious thought.
Love & liberty,
<<< starchild >>>
What look were they going for? To me, it doesn't look like a serious political party site.
-- Steve
I agree. My first reaction was that someone had "captured" the site
and replaced it with a parody.
Then my fiancee suggested maybe it was intended to appeal to younger
members of the electorate.
Then it occurred to me that maybe it is intended to demonstrate that
no one at National has the vaguest idea of how to do real politics,
and to prod us all into becoming more independent and making the Party
happen at local levels.
I like that one.
Allen Rice