Maybe we should invite these folks to work with us at the “Pride” event.
New California wine ‘Same-Sex Meritage’ launches to support Freedom to Marry
By Adam Polaski<http://www.freedomtomarry.org/blog/authors/Adam%20Polaski>
Dec 04, 2012 at 03:00 pm
[http://freedomtomarry.org/page/-/files/images/SameSexMeritage.jpg]This week, people across the country will have the opportunity to truly toast to the freedom to marry by purchasing bottles of Same Sex Meritage<http://steinfamilywines.com/same-sex-meritage.aspx>, a new California Red Table Wine vinted and bottled by Stein Family Wines in Napa, CA. Check out the wine HERE,<http://steinfamilywines.com/same-sex-meritage.aspx> and buy some bottles! A portion of every sale will go toward supporting Freedom to Marry and allowing us to win more states, end federal marriage discrimination and grow the majority for marriage. You can buy bottles of Same Sex Meritage HERE.<http://steinfamilywines.com/same-sex-meritage.aspx>
The label for Same Sex Meritage, written by the wine's co-founders Matt Gold and Josh Stein, trumpets the importance of ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage. It reads:
United States citizens should have two irrevocable freedoms - to marry the person they love, and to purchase an awesome wine at a reasonable price. With every bottle of Same Sex Meritage you purchase and enjoy, you support those who are currently forbidden from marrying the person they love and want to spend their lives with. ....
This California Meritage rivals its Old World inspirations by staying stylistically true to the philosophy that blended wines bring out the best from the grape better than the components alone. Drink Same Sex Meritage because, in doing so, you are supporting the fight for increased civil rights by toasting to brighter futures for us all.
Pre-order the wine HERE<http://steinfamilywines.com/same-sex-meritage.aspx>, and like the Facebook page for the exciting new project<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Same-Sex-Meritage/276404719146478>!
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