Need volunteers to gather signatures for Phil's Congressional nominating pet


Oh, I forgot. I believe the convention is this weekend, so you and
Chris will be away. So, please help me with when would be a good time
to collect signatures for Phil,


--- In, "Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@...>

It's a deal, Rob! For any kind of canvassing we would need a list of
Libertarian households, and to pick a path and a date (please correct
me if I am mistaken on this). So, I will leave this weekend free for
this purpose. Maybe I could try to get a voter disk, if you or Chris
have not yet obtained one?


> I'll be your buddy if you want, Marcy. :wink:
> Can we find a buddy for Chris?
> --- In, "Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Me too feel like I need a plan. I dread and abhor door to door
> > canvassing, but the gosh darn thing works. There is no way I will go
> > by myself; but how about setting up a buddy system of some kind?
> >
> > Marcy
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Christopher R. Maden"
> > <crism@> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Please reply if you're able to help collect signatures for Phil
> > anytime
> > > > between now and Friday, March 7.
> > >
> > > What is the plan? I might be able to help, depending on with what
> I’m
> > > helping. If I’m in Phil’s district, which I’m not sure of;
> > I’m near the
> > > border, and someone with the reg database could tell me.
> > >
> > > Libertarian density is not sufficient for street-corner or
> shopping-mall
> > > canvassing. I would be willing to help with a well-defined plan
> that I
> > > think will work...
> > >
> > > ~Chris
> > > --
> > > Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: >
> > > “Metonymy and synecdoche don’t do the fighting and dying, the
> > > soldiers and the townspeople do.” â€"John Crowley, _Endless
> > > GnuPG Fingerprint: C6E4 E2A9 C9F8 71AC 9724 CAA3 19F8 6677

0077 C319

Unfortunately, Marcy, since Phil is out of town, the procedure is a
bit complicated. I'm hoping that he'll be able to transfer to me the
filing fee, so I can write a check and get his declaration of
candidacy form today or tomorrow. Then, I have to send that to him in
Baltimore, he has to have his signature notarized (to replace him
taking the oath in the Dept of Elections), and he has to send it back
to me, and then I can take it to the Dept of Elections and pick up his
nomination forms. I can pick up the voter CD at any one of these
visits to the Dept of Elections (I should have thought to pick it up
yesterday when I was there).

Because of this long procedure, this weekend wasn't really going to be
possible even without the LPC convention. I'm afraid we'll only have
a couple of weekdays next week, next weekend, and the weekdays
following next weekend to collect the 40-60 signatures required.
Since I don't think any of us can take time off from work, I just
assumed that Sat/Sun Mar 1/2 were the only days we could do this.
Does that sound right?


--- In, "Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@...>


Oh, I forgot. I believe the convention is this weekend, so you and
Chris will be away. So, please help me with when would be a good time
to collect signatures for Phil,


--- In, "Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@>
> It's a deal, Rob! For any kind of canvassing we would need a list of
> Libertarian households, and to pick a path and a date (please correct
> me if I am mistaken on this). So, I will leave this weekend free for
> this purpose. Maybe I could try to get a voter disk, if you or Chris
> have not yet obtained one?
> Marcy
> >
> > I'll be your buddy if you want, Marcy. :wink:
> >
> > Can we find a buddy for Chris?
> >
> > --- In, "Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Me too feel like I need a plan. I dread and abhor door to door
> > > canvassing, but the gosh darn thing works. There is no way I

will go

> > > by myself; but how about setting up a buddy system of some kind?
> > >
> > > Marcy
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, "Christopher R. Maden"
> > > <crism@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Please reply if you're able to help collect signatures for


> > > anytime
> > > > > between now and Friday, March 7.
> > > >
> > > > What is the plan? I might be able to help, depending on

with what

> > I’m
> > > > helping. If I’m in Phil’s district, which I’m not

sure of;

> > > I’m near the
> > > > border, and someone with the reg database could tell me.
> > > >
> > > > Libertarian density is not sufficient for street-corner or
> > shopping-mall
> > > > canvassing. I would be willing to help with a well-defined plan
> > that I
> > > > think will work...
> > > >
> > > > ~Chris
> > > > --
> > > > Chris Maden, text nerd <URL: >
> > > > “Metonymy and synecdoche don’t do the fighting and

dying, the

I am certainly willing to help with this also. The opportunity to go
around with other activists to call on registered Libertarians for
signatures would be most welcome.

  If we publicize a time to do this, I think we can also post it on
the SF Ron Paul list and hopefully get at least a couple helpers from
those ranks. Michael Edelstein and I attended the SF group's Meetup
on Monday, and while we did not have any outright success at getting
any of the relatively small number of folks (around 20) present to
join the LP, I got the impression that several would be willing to
actively campaign for "Ron Paul" candidates (aka libertarians)
regardless of party label. At least one of them, John Dennis, is
planning to run for a seat on the GOP Central Committee, and is
considering throwing his hat into the race for Congress against Nancy
Pelosi. I got two or three names and contact info of people
potentially willing to work on local pro-freedom non-partisan issues
and/or join our discussion list. Most of the group seemed keen on the
idea of trying to take over the local GOP Central Committee. Which
may not directly help the LP, but could be a distinctly good thing so
far as local politics in general is concerned.

Love & Liberty,
          ((( starchild )))

Regarding the Ron Paul folks, Starchild -- only registered
Libertarians who live in CD-8 are allowed to circulate Phil's
petitions. If anyone serves as a petition circulator for Phil who is
not registered Libertarian or who lives outside CD-8, those petitions
will be disqualified, and all this money and effort will be wasted.
(The minimum required valid signatures is 40, and you're not allowed
to turn in more than 60, so we can't take afford to take any risks.)

One solution is the buddy system. I'm not sure where Marcy lives, but
if she lived in CD-12, she and I could still walk the CD-8 petition
around, because I am in CD-8, and it would be my name on the petition
as the circulator.

The same could be done with buddies where one is a registered
Libertarian in CD-8 (the official circulator), and the other is either
outside the district or registered with another party.

But non-Libertarians and those who are registered outside CD-8 cannot
be petition circulators, which I'm betting disqualifies most of the
Ron Paul supporters you spoke with.


P.S. If anyone can think of a place where they could get a bunch of
good signatures TODAY/TOMORROW from registered Libertarians in CD-8,
please contact me ASAP. I have Phil's in-lieu-of-filing-fee petition,
and while we won't save much money on the filing fee, those signatures
would count toward our required 40 nominating signatures. But the
sigs-in-lieu petition is due tomorrow (Thursday the 21st) before 5pm.