Hi Denny-
I just wanted to let you know that we're happy to hear the libertarian party supports the SF NDAA resolution! Would you be interested in officially signing on? We have a long list of supporters, mostly from the progressive side of things, and your support would be welcome as this is clearly a bipartisan issue.
I also wanted to let you know that the next step may potentially be state-wide NDAA work.
Lastly, BORDC is also working on issues around drones, both in Alameda County and (hopefully) at the federal level: http://www.constitutioncampaign.org/blog/?p=12101 If you have connections to libertarians concerned about privacy who are in the east bay, I would love to get in touch with them. Again, it seems drones are a bipartisan issue, and I'd like our organizing to reflect that. The community coalition that is calling for no drones has our next meeting on Monday the 25th. If you are interested, I can send you details to share.
Take care,
Nadia Kayyali
Legal Fellow
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Twitter: @NadiaKayyali
I saw Denny's post on their website, and thought "good job!". I think LPSF should definitely be on the list of Resolution supporters, especially given all the work Aubrey did on the issue. Aubrey's idea is also to bring this up at the state level. Assuming there are no objections, I suggest we get on the list of official supporters as soon as possible, since the Board meeting is in a few days.
Hi All,
Interesting website, working via the legal and grassroots route. Nadia asks for our support of the San Francisco NDAA Resolution, but does not make it very clear how we do that. However, her website, Constitution Campaign, has a section where you can e-mail them on the grassroots activities you are interested in.
Hi Denny and All,
Aubrey and I have clicked everything we could see, and neither one of us can figure how LPSF can become an "official" supporter of the San Francisco NDAA Resolution, as Nadia Kayyali suggests. I cannot even find an e-mail address for Nadia.
Denny, is there any way you could click "Reply" to the message Nadia sent you and communicate to her that we are interested in signing on as supporters, and would she let us know how.
Thanks Marcy--I'm glad it wasn't just me! If you couldn't figure it out either, then her email and their website must be on the far side! Thanks, Denny, for passing on the information and trying to communicate to Nadia that we want to sign on as official supporters.
By the way, don't forget, folks, the Board of Supervisors meeting is this coming Tuesday in Room 250 of City Hall at 2:00 PM, and I have tried to get as many folks as possible out there to support David Chiu and his resolution. It's rare that any of our fair leaders does anything even remotely Libertarian, so when they do, we must support them.
Can Denny or anyone else post Nadia's email or phone number? I'm interested in following up with her.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
What it be okay for a drone to be used if it was to look at a particular person or thing after the issuance of a warrant to two probable cause In strict accordance with the fourth amendmen
You mean like for checking out hot boys at the beach if there's "probable cause" to think their packages are of interest? I think better to send a "Tom of Finland" style cop to investigate, than a drone. 
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))