My LPSF Assignment


I was to research Campaign for Liberty (C4L), Future of Freedom Foundation
(FFF), Independent Institute (II), Ludwig von Mises Institute (LVMI), and
Institute for Justice (IJ), for pamphlets for distribution at Pride and
other events, with the purpose of informing interested parties about
libertarianism. I was to report my results at the Feb. meeting.

Here are the results:
C4L: No pamphlets appropriate for our use.

FFF: No pamphlets listed on their site.

II: No published pamphlets.

LVMI: Two appropriate pamphlets available at bulk rates:

IJ: One appropriate pamphlet:

Janice and I will be attending CPAC 2011 from Wed. to Sun. to vote for Ron
Paul in the straw poll and won't be at the Sat. LPSF meeting.

Can we put this on the agenda to discuss at the March meeting?

Thanks, Michael

Hi Michael,

Definitely for the March meeting, since you will be working on liberty elsewhere for February. Thank you for the research.

The reservation for the Pride OPH booth is done, the insurance certificate is here, and we have reliable volunteers to bring the stuff to the site and staff the booth! Things are shaping up!
