Dear Everyone;
When the news hit about City Supervisor Ammiano planning to hit up small businesses with his mandatory group health care plan I wrote a rebuttal to the SF Examiner. The Examiner printed it today plus my affiliation with the Libertarian party. A first for me!
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Dear Ron,
Your letter is a stroke of genius -- the first salvo in the LPSF road
to getting our porposed intitiative passed by S.F. voters!!! Thank
you so much.
--- In, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@y...>
Dear Everyone;
When the news hit about City Supervisor Ammiano planning to hit up
small businesses with his mandatory group health care plan I wrote a
rebuttal to the SF Examiner. The Examiner printed it today plus my
affiliation with the Libertarian party. A first for me!
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Dear Marcy;
Thanks - AND they were also nice enough to leave in the Libertarian Party reference. I believe this makes it twice in the last 2 months they have done this. The other one being the Starchild missive regarding the Muni lack of competition and what a monopoly gets you - no or poor service.
The Editors did do a little editing. I originally refered to the review committee in the LTE as the Commissar Committee. Apparently, the Examiner editors though this may have been a little too strong - even if it would be correct. But everything else was left as submitted.
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
The Examiner Opinions web site url is:
"Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@...> wrote:
Dear Ron,
Your letter is a stroke of genius -- the first salvo in the LPSF road
to getting our porposed intitiative passed by S.F. voters!!! Thank
you so much.
--- In, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@y...>
Dear Everyone;
When the news hit about City Supervisor Ammiano planning to hit up
small businesses with his mandatory group health care plan I wrote a
rebuttal to the SF Examiner. The Examiner printed it today plus my
affiliation with the Libertarian party. A first for me!
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
U s government grant Libertarian party U s government student loan California politics