Dear Ron,
You are correct that the speaker referred to on my e-mail is not a
perfect fit for the initiative, but maybe we could start thinking
about events to hipe the initiative? The speaker you suggested might
be a better fit. I will start thinking about suggestions.
I have been so overwhelmed with work that I have not been able to
give you input on the initiative. However, I have read it and it
sounds great, perhaps a little too long?
See you at the meeeting!
--- In, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@...>
> Dear Marcy;
> I remembered an article I posted in Feb about the SFPD by a
retired deputy chief addressing the internal problems with the SFPD.
> Maybe he could be a community speaker at SF community meetings
Police Initiative if organized properly??? AHA!!! His name is Kevin
Mullen and he can be found at:
> [](
> His Chronicle article is below:
> [](
> Ron Getty
> SF Libertarian
> Marcy Berry <amarcyb@...> wrote:
> Dear Ron,
> I am wondering if an LPSF event with such a speaker might be good
publicity for our Police Initiative.
> Marcy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: Lawrence Samuels
> To: Lawrence Samuels
> Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:42 AM
> Subject: Speech Tour by James Anthony/LP
> TO: LP County Organizations and Campuses
> FROM: Lawrence Samuels, LP Northern California Vice Chair
> To unsubscribe lawsamz@...
> A representative from LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)
has organized a speaking tour of Northern/Central California. He
still have a few slots open for speeches between June 7 to June 9.
Call or email Mike Smitherson of LEAP to arrange the event. Mike at
smithson@... or Cell: 315-243-5844.
> Schedule so far:
> June 7 Rotary Club in Marina 12 noon
> June 8 Kiwanis Club in Palo Alto 12 noon
> June 8 Libertarian Party in Fresno 6:30 PM
> June 9 FED-UP and Monterey LP 6:30 PM in Monterey
> A member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), James
Anthony is a former Prosecuting Attorney for the city of Oakland. He
has seen first-hand the destructive impact of the War on Drugs on
both inner-city neighborhoods and on the police officers. When the
police department can't put the drug dealers in jail, they ask me to
take the grandmother's house.
> Three years as an award-winning Neighborhood Law Corps, Anthony
understands that residents of Oakland's poor neighborhoods are scared
of menacing street dealers and the random violence of a market forced
underground. Yet all he was able to offer them in his capacity as a
drug prosecutor is more police and more property seizures a strategy
that has failed time and again. He has also seen the negative impact
on the integrity of the police force. Oakland is the location of the
notorious "Riders" gang of four police officers accused of corruption
and brutality in waging the "War on Drugs." He earned his Law Degree
(J.D.) from the Univesity of California at Davis School of Law.
> ---------------------------------
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