More on "playing the right" 8)

This is from a rave list subscriber who works as a courier in
Washington D.C...

From: nic adams <>
Date: Thu Oct 16, 2003 4:02:01 AM US/Pacific

i had a pick-up from a Conservative think tank
yesterday and one of them got on the elevator with me
and i described in vivid detail the Oxycontin de-tox
process that Rush [Limbaugh] attempted prior to checking himself
in, and made a point of asking him if it turns out
that Rush *broke the Law* why shouldn't he not pass
Go, not collect $200 and go to jail?

Felt so good to tell him that we'll see Rush on COPS
real soon, dude was visibly shaken, certainly wasn't
expecting that from a courier.


The glitter on my face was an added bonus.



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