Minutes from Saturday's Meeting

Hi All. Here are the minutes from Saturday's meeting. If someone can
please send me the sign-up sheet, I can add the last names of our guests
and also make sure I didn't forget to list any attendees. Please review
the minutes below and advise of any corrections needed--I'm sure I didn't
get everything 100% correct. We'll post the minutes to the website in a
few days. Starchild, if you have the date of the Tenderloin Neighborhood
Forum, I could add that to the Announcements part of the minutes--I
couldn't find any details on that event.

Minutes for February 10, 2018 Meeting of the Libertarian Party of San
Francisco taken by Aubrey Freedman.

Attendees: Nick Smith (Chair), Rebecca Lau (Vice Chair), Jawj Greenwald
(Treasurer), Aubrey Freedman (Secretary), Francoise Fielding, Mike Denny,
Michael Acree, Starchild, Phil Berg, Matthew Davis (guest), Alex (guest),
Mary (guest), John (guest), Jess (guest), Kimberly (guest).

Introductions: Matthew Davis moved to The City about a month ago, watches
YouTubes of Dave Rubin, and wants to learn more about libertarianism. Jess
is “libertarian curious,” has been listening to Phil’s Libertarian thoughts
for 10 years, and hasn’t been active since the days of Students for a
Democratic Society. Alex is interested in political philosophies and would
like to learn more. Kimberly is also attending this meeting because she’s
“Libertarian curious.”

Chair’s Report: Nick attended a meeting of Democratic Socialists and knows
for sure now why he’s a Libertarian. He was “scared straight.” However,
they did have a large attendance of around 100 people and were well
organized, and he got some ideas for how to make some improvements within
the LPSF. The Socialists had speakers at the meeting—one in the beginning
and one in the middle—so he’s going to try and bring in speakers to our
meetings to stir up interest. He invited Richie Greenberg, a Republican
who’s running for Mayor, but he decided to skip our event. Instead Robert
Griffis, who is running for Governor, agreed to join us towards the end of
today’s meeting and talk about his candidacy. Nick’s main goal for this
year is to grow the party. Current membership is around 45, and he would
like to see that at 70 by the end of the year. He also would like to see
more social events like happy hours—most likely bi-weekly socials at
watering holes in The City—and no party business at the socials. Nick
organized a dinner event with Nicholas Wildstar a few weeks ago and would
like to plan another event with Zoltan, who is running for Governor also as
a Libertarian. He would like to book a room at the library for the Zoltan
event in March, and Rebecca will help organize it too. Nick would also
like to start forming committees to tackle particular projects and have one
contact person to address the group at our meetings on the progress of each
project; for example, Tax Day could have a committee for that event and
Pride could have another committee to plan that event.

Vice Chair’s Report: Rebecca has been busy with Nick doing all our social
media posting, and she contacted Robert to get him to attend and speak to
us today. She is also busy redesigning all our artwork on our social media
and also on our business cards. She would like to interest more folks to
attend our meetings.

Treasurer’s Report: Jawj has just received the credit union statements
from Aubrey and reported our total balance in both share and checking
accounts is $6,021.51. She hasn’t been able to get into PayPal yet but
just got access to the account today, so she will move a nice chunk of the
PayPal money over to the credit union by the next meeting. Aubrey
estimates that we have around $800 in the PayPal account.

Secretary’s Report: Aubrey reported that membership is slowly creeping
upward with 21 lifetime members and 26 regular, currently paid-up members,
for a total of 47 which is the highest it’s been since he got active in
2010. He said that the state party now offers different levels of
membership and donor levels and especially two-year memberships, which are
boosting our membership, adding to our coffers (we just got a check for
$250.00 from the state party for dues sharing a few weeks ago), and keeping
members longer without lapsing.

Newsletter Report: Aubrey reported that he finally finished the latest
newsletter but still has to edit it, so it will go out in a few days. Nick
figured out a way to send it from the website in one email blast, rather
than the old way of emailing it out in batches of 20, so they will test it
within the next few days. The number of recipients has also been slowly
creeping upwards, and he estimated that it will go out to around 350 folks
this time, plus Nick will have it archived on the website. Also, Nick
added a feature to the website to have folks sign up for the newsletter
right on the website.

Tax Day Panel Discussion: Aubrey reported that he finally sent out the
first invitation for one of our panelists today. He thinks that the
hardest part is always to get a noted panelist who is leftist-oriented and
opposed to traditional Libertarian views to appear as one of our panelists,
so he’s starting with that one first. He prefers the school choice issue
over the Minimum Guaranteed Income issue, so he sent the first invitation
to Hydra Mendoza-McDonnell, who is the President of the San Francisco Board
of Education, and he will continue on down the list of the other members of
the school board if she is not interested. He noted that the Minimum
Guaranteed Income issue is also a good issue for the panel and could be
used next year or, if someone, anyone can get a noted panelist now to argue
for a Minimum Guaranteed Income, then we can do that issue this year and
school choice next year. Jawj mentioned getting David Friedman as a good
panelist to get to argue for school choice or opposed to the Minimum
Guaranteed Income, and Aubrey said he would be a great one to get, but
first we need someone from the opposing side. If anyone can obtain a noted
panelist on the opposing side of where Libertarians stand on either issue,
then that’s the issue we’ll go with this year. The event is usually in
April, but last year we had so much trouble getting someone in a Sanctuary
City to argue the case for Sanctuary Cities that our event wasn’t held
until June.

Ballot Arguments: Nick noted that the deadline for the “free” lottery
arguments is March 15 and the deadline for Paid Arguments is March 19. For
paid arguments, one can cut down on the amount paid to the Department of
Elections by 50 cents for each signature obtained. The cost of paid
arguments is $200 plus $2 per word and usually runs around $700 or so for a
decent-sized argument. We went through the roster of ballot measures
listed on the Department of Elections website today, but that list is
nowhere being complete as the Board of Supervisors can still put out ballot
measures as late as one week before the March 15 deadline. For the
referendum on the repeal of the ordinance banning the sale of flavored
tobacco products, Starchild is already working with the “Let’s Be Real”
group sponsored by R.J. Reynolds in promoting this ballot measure, and it
will automatically get the proponents’ free argument in the Voters
Handbook, so no need for the LPSF to do anything with this one, other than
perhaps sign on to their argument, if it’s liberty-oriented. For the most
part, Starchild is pleased with their arguments supporting the
referendum. Another
ballot measure is a Declaration of Policy regarding the relocation of
professional sports teams. Phil relayed a humorous story about Mayflower
moving the Baltimore Colts out of the city in the middle of the night. Another
interesting ballot measure is an ordinance regarding taser use by the San
Francisco Police Department. This measure would authorize the police
department to purchase tasers; while tasers would appear to be a less
violent show of force than firearms, use of tasers could also be
problematic. Starchild showed an interest in writing a ballot argument
opposing this measure. There’s a parcel tax of $298 for San Francisco
United School District, which should be opposed with a ballot measure
argument. Aubrey noted that they changed the title on this one from The
Living Wage for Educators Act of 2018 to a rather bland Parcel Tax for San
Francisco Unified School District for some unknown reason. It looks like
there are 2 competing measures for basically the same purpose—tax on
commercial rents for either “Child Care and Education” or “Early Child Care
and Education.” It would seem likely that only one will be on the ballot. And
yet another ballot measure for “Additional Gross Receipts Tax on Commercial
Rents.” Gross receipts, mind you, not net receipts. Another measure is a
charter amendment for term limits for the Mayor and Board of Supervisors,
with exceptions of course. Two ballot measures dealing with zoning and
land use—the first one looks to make it easier to get permission to build,
which we would most likely support, and the other one is more convoluted
with all kinds of hoops to go through. Another measure is an ordinance to
reallocate how the hotel tax money is spent so more money is earmarked for
special interests like the arts and homelessness. Lastly a
Libertarian-sounding ordinance: no permit required for the Summer of Love
Anniversary Concert! One more measure not listed on the Department of
Elections website is RM3, a $3 toll increase for all Bay Area bridges,
except the Golden Gate Bridge. This measure was supposed to be on the
November ballot, but the MTC moved it up to June because they couldn’t wait
for the toll money. Aubrey stressed that there’s still another month for
more ballot measures to be concocted by the Mayor or Board of Supervisors,
so there’s no point writing arguments now since some measures could be
withdrawn and others added; rather he suggested that folks pick a measure
that moves them and think about some ideas for an argument but wait until
the list is finalized next month before actually writing the argument. Mike
Denny countered that it’s best to start writing on the sure bets now so
folks can chime in with ideas and produce the best argument that contains
everyone’s best ideas. Francoise noted that some folks feel more
proprietary about their writing, and if they feel it’s going to become a
group project, then they just won’t bother to write any argument at all and
will leave it for others to do. The only firm commitment at this point was
that Aubrey said he would write an argument against RM3 since he already
did some research on the topic, and one article in the upcoming newsletter
is about RM3.

Activist Reports: Phil continues to bend folks’ ears regarding Bitcoin
when he takes Lyft to the JCC. Jawj is wearing a Constitution
shirt—reminding folks that there still is a Constitution. Matt has been
posting videos on Facebook and promoting vegetarianism and animal
welfare. Mike
Denny has been after the Jesuit priests and sisters in his parish to stop
pushing the use of government force to “help the poor.” One sister kept on
pushing her leftist views in her “prayers for the faithful,” and he told
her that if she continued to push her politics, he would stop contributing
to the parish, and that put a stop to her dogma. He read us a portion of a
proposal he’s going to give his pastor who also is pushing leftist politics
into his sermons regarding Jesus not expecting to be an agent of the
government to help the poor. Aubrey worked with Nick on two Sundays
tabling at farmers markets behind Stonestown and on Clement Street
gathering signatures to get rid of the Top Two and the recent gas tax
increases. He reported moderate success, even though they were assigned
tabling areas only in the “Free Speech” zones. Starchild did some online
correspondence and managed to make an interview with Alison Foxall
(Libertarian in Florida) appear less anti-immigrant. He’s still working
with the “Let’s Get Real” folks promoting the ballot measure on the
referendum on flavored cigarettes; they have a serious, well-funded
campaign and are targeting the 400 convenience stores in The City. He’s
still trying to work with the folks at the Epoch Times to get a dialogue
going with Libertarians as they’re great on being anti-statist when it
comes to China but not so much when it comes to statism in the US. Starchild
also got involved in the Arvin Vohra controversy at the LNC; he voted not
to censure Arvin even though some of his comments may have been
inappropriate because it wasn’t fair to censure him when others who said
worse things weren’t censured. Nick attended the most recent meetings of
the San Mateo LP and the Santa Clara LP with Rebecca and reported pretty
good turnouts at both meetings—12 in San Mateo and about 25 in Santa Clara.
He also organized a dinner event for Nicholas Wildstar here in The City,
which had a decent turnout. He also attended a Mayoral Forum at the Young
Democrats Club which featured 5 of the 6 Democratic candidates for Mayor: Jane
Kim, Angela Alioto, Mark Leno, London Breed, and Amy Farah Weiss. They all
seemed pretty much the same, with Farah Weiss as the more obvious outsider.


February 13 (Tuesday) – “Is Capitalism Good for the Poor?”

Dr. Gary Wolfram – Co-Hosted with Hillsdale College

7:00 PM (doors 6:15 PM) – 432 Stierlin Road in Mountain View


Feb 17 (Saturday) Dr. Jordan Peterson Fireside Chat

Hosted by Simulation

8:00 PM-9:00 PM – Marine’s Memorial Theatre – 609 Sutter Street in San


Feb 21 (Wednesday) SmashCut CineFest (4 liberty-leaning films for free)

6:30 PM-9:00 PM – The Roxie Theatre – 3117 16th Street in San Francisco


February 28 (Wednesday) “Black Liberty Matters”

5:15 PM-6:45 PM – New Student Union Theatre, SJSU


March 8 (Thursday) “Are We Killing Free Speech?” – debate at UC Berkeley

Hosted by Berkeley College Republicans and the Ayn Rand Institute

7:00 PM-8:30 PM – 2545 Bancroft Way in Berkeley


March 10 (Saturday) LPC Executive Committee Meeting

10:00 AM-5:00 PM – Residence Inn at the Sacramento Airport

March 10 (Saturday) Zoltan Istvan “The Future of Universal Basic Income”

World’s Fair Nano – Pier 48 in San Francisco


April 27-29 (Friday – Sunday) Libertarian Party of California Annual

Long Beach Marriott


April 28 (Saturday) JSA Norcal Spring State Convention – Jawj volunteered
for this event – still need other helpers because it’s the same week-end as
the annual state convention – new location for this semi-annual event due
to the Marriott in Santa Clara raising their rates

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport – 1333 Bayshore Highway in Burlingame


April 28 (Saturday) Young Americans for Liberty

Santa Clara – All day free for young people

July 11-14 (Wednesday – Saturday) FreedomFest 2018

Las Vegas, Nevada


Speaker – Robert Griffis: Robert is running for Governor and was recently
featured in a debate with Nicholas Wildstar and Zoltan Istvan, also
candidates for Governor. He suspended his campaign last year but just
recently resumed it and has filed with the Secretary of State. The filing
fee is $4,000, and he needs to submit 65-100 nominating signatures to the
Secretary of State by March 9. The main points of his platform are to
default on the federal debt but restructure it so that small investors will
be repaid; a tax rebate of $100 if you vote for him in June and another
$100 if you vote for him in the November election; cut the tax rate in half
and give a tax break to small businesses; shut down state licensing; don’t
enforce regulation; and use of the Governor’s veto power and also the line
item veto. His favorite campaign soundbites are “Take California Back,”
“Make California Great Again,” and You and The Other Are One.”



Are you sure Griffis said he would pay people $100 to vote for him? I thought he said he would pay them $100 for voting, period.

Excellent + very thorough minutes Aubrey! Thanks for getting these out
so soon! I took the sign-in sheet without thinking about this, so I'll
send you all the info from it tomorrow-- sorry about that!

Are you sure Griffis said he would pay people $100 to vote for him? I
thought he said he would pay them $100 for voting, period.

Indeed, he promised a one-time tax rebate to everyone who voted in
the Gubernatorial race; $100 for anyone who voted for Governor in
the primary and $100 for anyone who voted for Governor in the
general election.


Are you sure Griffis said he would pay people $100 to vote for him? I
thought he said he would pay them $100 for voting, period.>

*From:* lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com [mailto:lpsf-
activists@yahoogroups.com] *Sent:* Tuesday, February 13, 2018 2:41
AM *To:* ExComm LPSM *Subject:* [lpsf-activists] Minutes from
Saturday's Meeting>

Hi All. Here are the minutes from Saturday's meeting. If someone can
please send me the sign-up sheet, I can add the last names of our
guests and also make sure I didn't forget to list any attendees.
Please review the minutes below and advise of any corrections needed--
I'm sure I didn't get everything 100% correct. We'll post the minutes
to the website in a few days. Starchild, if you have the date of the
Tenderloin Neighborhood Forum, I could add that to the Announcements
part of the minutes--I couldn't find any details on that event.>

Minutes for February 10, 2018 Meeting of the Libertarian Party of San
Francisco taken by Aubrey Freedman.>

Attendees: Nick Smith (Chair), Rebecca Lau (Vice Chair), Jawj
Greenwald (Treasurer), Aubrey Freedman (Secretary), Francoise
Fielding, Mike Denny, Michael Acree, Starchild, Phil Berg, Matthew
Davis (guest), Alex (guest), Mary (guest), John (guest), Jess (guest),
Kimberly (guest).>

Introductions: Matthew Davis moved to The City about a month ago,
watches YouTubes of Dave Rubin, and wants to learn more about
libertarianism. Jess is “libertarian curious,” has been listening to
Phil’s Libertarian thoughts for 10 years, and hasn’t been active since
the days of Students for a Democratic Society. Alex is interested in
political philosophies and would like to learn more. Kimberly is also
attending this meeting because she’s “Libertarian curious..”>

Chair’s Report: Nick attended a meeting of Democratic Socialists and
knows for sure now why he’s a Libertarian. He was “scared straight.”
However, they did have a large attendance of around 100 people and
were well organized, and he got some ideas for how to make some
improvements within the LPSF. The Socialists had speakers at the
meeting—one in the beginning and one in the middle—so he’s going to
try and bring in speakers to our meetings to stir up interest. He
invited Richie Greenberg, a Republican who’s running for Mayor, but he
decided to skip our event. Instead Robert Griffis, who is running for
Governor, agreed to join us towards the end of today’s meeting and
talk about his candidacy. Nick’s main goal for this year is to grow
the party. Current membership is around 45, and he would like to see
that at 70 by the end of the year. He also would like to see more
social events like happy hours—most likely bi-weekly socials at
watering holes in The City—and no party business at the socials. Nick
organized a dinner event with Nicholas Wildstar a few weeks ago and
would like to plan another event with Zoltan, who is running for
Governor also as a Libertarian. He would like to book a room at the
library for the Zoltan event in March, and Rebecca will help organize
it too. Nick would also like to start forming committees to tackle
particular projects and have one contact person to address the group
at our meetings on the progress of each project; for example, Tax Day
could have a committee for that event and Pride could have another
committee to plan that event.>

Vice Chair’s Report: Rebecca has been busy with Nick doing all our
social media posting, and she contacted Robert to get him to attend
and speak to us today. She is also busy redesigning all our artwork
on our social media and also on our business cards. She would like to
interest more folks to attend our meetings.>

Treasurer’s Report: Jawj has just received the credit union
statements from Aubrey and reported our total balance in both share
and checking accounts is $6,021.51. She hasn’t been able to get into
PayPal yet but just got access to the account today, so she will move
a nice chunk of the PayPal money over to the credit union by the next
meeting. Aubrey estimates that we have around $800 in the PayPal

Secretary’s Report: Aubrey reported that membership is slowly
creeping upward with 21 lifetime members and 26 regular, currently paid-
up members, for a total of 47 which is the highest it’s been since he
got active in 2010. He said that the state party now offers different
levels of membership and donor levels and especially two-year
memberships, which are boosting our membership, adding to our coffers
(we just got a check for $250.00 from the state party for dues sharing
a few weeks ago), and keeping members longer without lapsing.>

Newsletter Report: Aubrey reported that he finally finished the
latest newsletter but still has to edit it, so it will go out in a few
days. Nick figured out a way to send it from the website in one email
blast, rather than the old way of emailing it out in batches of 20, so
they will test it within the next few days. The number of recipients
has also been slowly creeping upwards, and he estimated that it will
go out to around 350 folks this time, plus Nick will have it archived
on the website. Also, Nick added a feature to the website to have
folks sign up for the newsletter right on the website.>

Tax Day Panel Discussion: Aubrey reported that he finally sent out
the first invitation for one of our panelists today. He thinks that
the hardest part is always to get a noted panelist who is leftist-
oriented and opposed to traditional Libertarian views to appear as one
of our panelists, so he’s starting with that one first. He prefers
the school choice issue over the Minimum Guaranteed Income issue, so
he sent the first invitation to Hydra Mendoza-McDonnell, who is the
President of the San Francisco Board of Education, and he will
continue on down the list of the other members of the school board if
she is not interested. He noted that the Minimum Guaranteed Income
issue is also a good issue for the panel and could be used next year
or, if someone, anyone can get a noted panelist now to argue for a
Minimum Guaranteed Income, then we can do that issue this year and
school choice next year. Jawj mentioned getting David Friedman as a
good panelist to get to argue for school choice or opposed to the
Minimum Guaranteed Income, and Aubrey said he would be a great one to
get, but first we need someone from the opposing side. If anyone can
obtain a noted panelist on the opposing side of where Libertarians
stand on either issue, then that’s the issue we’ll go with this year.
The event is usually in April, but last year we had so much trouble
getting someone in a Sanctuary City to argue the case for Sanctuary
Cities that our event wasn’t held until June.>

Ballot Arguments: Nick noted that the deadline for the “free” lottery
arguments is March 15 and the deadline for Paid Arguments is March 19.
For paid arguments, one can cut down on the amount paid to the
Department of Elections by 50 cents for each signature obtained. The
cost of paid arguments is $200 plus $2 per word and usually runs
around $700 or so for a decent-sized argument. We went through the
roster of ballot measures listed on the Department of Elections
website today, but that list is nowhere being complete as the Board of
Supervisors can still put out ballot measures as late as one week
before the March 15 deadline. For the referendum on the repeal of the
ordinance banning the sale of flavored tobacco products, Starchild is
already working with the “Let’s Be Real” group sponsored by R.J.
Reynolds in promoting this ballot measure, and it will automatically
get the proponents’ free argument in the Voters Handbook, so no need
for the LPSF to do anything with this one, other than perhaps sign on
to their argument, if it’s liberty-oriented. For the most part,
Starchild is pleased with their arguments supporting the referendum.
Another ballot measure is a Declaration of Policy regarding the
relocation of professional sports teams. Phil relayed a humorous
story about Mayflower moving the Baltimore Colts out of the city in
the middle of the night. Another interesting ballot measure is an
ordinance regarding taser use by the San Francisco Police Department.
This measure would authorize the police department to purchase tasers;
while tasers would appear to be a less violent show of force than
firearms, use of tasers could also be problematic. Starchild showed
an interest in writing a ballot argument opposing this measure.
There’s a parcel tax of $298 for San Francisco United School District,
which should be opposed with a ballot measure argument. Aubrey noted
that they changed the title on this one from The Living Wage for
Educators Act of 2018 to a rather bland Parcel Tax for San Francisco
Unified School District for some unknown reason. It looks like there
are 2 competing measures for basically the same purpose—tax on
commercial rents for either “Child Care and Education” or “Early Child
Care and Education.” It would seem likely that only one will be on
the ballot. And yet another ballot measure for “Additional Gross
Receipts Tax on Commercial Rents.” Gross receipts, mind you, not net
receipts. Another measure is a charter amendment for term limits for
the Mayor and Board of Supervisors, with exceptions of course. Two
ballot measures dealing with zoning and land use—the first one looks
to make it easier to get permission to build, which we would most
likely support, and the other one is more convoluted with all kinds of
hoops to go through. Another measure is an ordinance to reallocate
how the hotel tax money is spent so more money is earmarked for
special interests like the arts and homelessness. Lastly a Libertarian-
sounding ordinance: no permit required for the Summer of Love
Anniversary Concert! One more measure not listed on the Department of
Elections website is RM3, a $3 toll increase for all Bay Area bridges,
except the Golden Gate Bridge. This measure was supposed to be on the
November ballot, but the MTC moved it up to June because they couldn’t
wait for the toll money. Aubrey stressed that there’s still another
month for more ballot measures to be concocted by the Mayor or Board
of Supervisors, so there’s no point writing arguments now since some
measures could be withdrawn and others added; rather he suggested that
folks pick a measure that moves them and think about some ideas for an
argument but wait until the list is finalized next month before
actually writing the argument. Mike Denny countered that it’s best to
start writing on the sure bets now so folks can chime in with ideas
and produce the best argument that contains everyone’s best ideas..
Francoise noted that some folks feel more proprietary about their
writing, and if they feel it’s going to become a group project, then
they just won’t bother to write any argument at all and will leave it
for others to do. The only firm commitment at this point was that
Aubrey said he would write an argument against RM3 since he already
did some research on the topic, and one article in the upcoming
newsletter is about RM3.>

Activist Reports: Phil continues to bend folks’ ears regarding
Bitcoin when he takes Lyft to the JCC. Jawj is wearing a Constitution
shirt—reminding folks that there still is a Constitution. Matt has
been posting videos on Facebook and promoting vegetarianism and animal
welfare. Mike Denny has been after the Jesuit priests and sisters in
his parish to stop pushing the use of government force to “help the
poor.” One sister kept on pushing her leftist views in her “prayers
for the faithful,” and he told her that if she continued to push her
politics, he would stop contributing to the parish, and that put a
stop to her dogma. He read us a portion of a proposal he’s going to
give his pastor who also is pushing leftist politics into his sermons
regarding Jesus not expecting to be an agent of the government to help
the poor. Aubrey worked with Nick on two Sundays tabling at farmers
markets behind Stonestown and on Clement Street gathering signatures
to get rid of the Top Two and the recent gas tax increases. He
reported moderate success, even though they were assigned tabling
areas only in the “Free Speech” zones. Starchild did some online
correspondence and managed to make an interview with Alison Foxall
(Libertarian in Florida) appear less anti-immigrant. He’s still
working with the “Let’s Get Real” folks promoting the ballot measure
on the referendum on flavored cigarettes; they have a serious, well-
funded campaign and are targeting the 400 convenience stores in The
City. He’s still trying to work with the folks at the Epoch Times to
get a dialogue going with Libertarians as they’re great on being anti-
statist when it comes to China but not so much when it comes to
statism in the US. Starchild also got involved in the Arvin Vohra
controversy at the LNC; he voted not to censure Arvin even though some
of his comments may have been inappropriate because it wasn’t fair to
censure him when others who said worse things weren’t censured. Nick
attended the most recent meetings of the San Mateo LP and the Santa
Clara LP with Rebecca and reported pretty good turnouts at both
meetings—12 in San Mateo and about 25 in Santa Clara. He also
organized a dinner event for Nicholas Wildstar here in The City, which
had a decent turnout. He also attended a Mayoral Forum at the Young
Democrats Club which featured 5 of the 6 Democratic candidates for
Mayor: Jane Kim, Angela Alioto, Mark Leno, London Breed, and Amy
Farah Weiss. They all seemed pretty much the same, with Farah Weiss
as the more obvious outsider.>


February 13 (Tuesday) – “Is Capitalism Good for the Poor?”

Dr. Gary Wolfram – Co-Hosted with Hillsdale College

7:00 PM (doors 6:15 PM) – 432 Stierlin Road in Mountain View


Feb 17 (Saturday) Dr. Jordan Peterson Fireside Chat

Hosted by Simulation

8:00 PM-9:00 PM – Marine’s Memorial Theatre – 609 Sutter Street in San
> Login to Meetup | Meetup

Feb 21 (Wednesday) SmashCut CineFest (4 liberty-leaning films
for free)> 6:30 PM-9:00 PM – The Roxie Theatre – 3117 16th Street in San
> SmashCut CineFest | San Francisco, CA Premiere Tickets, Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite;

February 28 (Wednesday) “Black Liberty Matters”

5:15 PM-6:45 PM – New Student Union Theatre, SJSU


March 8 (Thursday) “Are We Killing Free Speech?” – debate at UC
> Hosted by Berkeley College Republicans and the Ayn Rand Institute

7:00 PM-8:30 PM – 2545 Bancroft Way in Berkeley

Are We Killing Free Speech? Free Speech Panel at UC-Berkeley

March 10 (Saturday) LPC Executive Committee Meeting

10:00 AM-5:00 PM – Residence Inn at the Sacramento Airport

March 10 (Saturday) Zoltan Istvan “The Future of Universal
Basic Income”> World’s Fair Nano – Pier 48 in San Francisco


April 27-29 (Friday – Sunday) Libertarian Party of California Annual
> Long Beach Marriott

2016 Convention - Libertarian Party of California

April 28 (Saturday) JSA Norcal Spring State Convention – Jawj
volunteered for this event – still need other helpers because it’s
the same week-end as the annual state convention – new location for
this semi-annual event due to the Marriott in Santa Clara raising
their rates> Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport – 1333 Bayshore Highway in
> Junior State of America | Spring State

April 28 (Saturday) Young Americans for Liberty

Santa Clara – All day free for young people

July 11-14 (Wednesday – Saturday) FreedomFest 2018

Las Vegas, Nevada


Speaker – Robert Griffis: Robert is running for Governor and was
recently featured in a debate with Nicholas Wildstar and Zoltan
Istvan, also candidates for Governor. He suspended his campaign last
year but just recently resumed it and has filed with the Secretary of
State. The filing fee is $4,000, and he needs to submit 65-100
nominating signatures to the Secretary of State by March 9. The main
points of his platform are to default on the federal debt but
restructure it so that small investors will be repaid; a tax rebate of
$100 if you vote for him in June and another $100 if you vote for him
in the November election; cut the tax rate in half and give a tax
break to small businesses; shut down state licensing; don’t enforce
regulation; and use of the Governor’s veto power and also the line
item veto. His favorite campaign soundbites are “Take California
Back,” “Make California Great Again,” and You and The Other Are One.”>




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