Minutes, 11 March

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Minutes of the Libertarian Party of San Francisco
Saturday 11 March 2006, 3 pm PST
Cybelle's Front Room Pizza

Present: Justin Sampson (presiding), Chris Maden (recording), Mike Acree,
Marcy Berry, Bryce Bigwood, Steve DeKorte, Michael Edelstein, Ron Getty,
Clay Shentrup, Starchild, Morey Straus

Observing: Tom Yedwab


Treasurer: Acree reported a balance of $3,533.56, which included several
donations and the final three payments under the Unified Membership Plan.

Secretary: Maden reported that the February minutes were approved. The
party mailbox was used as a drop point for petitions for ballot access for
Kennita Wilson, Libertarian candidate for Board of Equalization; petitions
were collected and submitted to the Department of Elections. The mail
otherwise included some junk mail, an issue of Copwatch, an invitation to
a panel on conflict resolution for women, and a renewal from Françoise

Vice Chair: Berry reported that literature for welcome packets exceeded
the estimate; an expenditure of $60 was approved by acclamation.

Chair: Sampson reported that signatures for ballot access for several
statewide candidates were submitted.

Membership Committee: There was no new membership data; the count remained
116 as of September 2005.

Communications Committee: Sampson reported that the newsletter went out.
Getty reported that several letters to the editor and an op-ed had been
printed by the San Francisco Examiner. Bigwood reported that the AccesSF
Web page linked to was down; the link has been fixed. Straus reported
that Mark Selzer, producer of The Libertarian Alternative, is converting
to DVD; however, it was noted that AccesSF does not accept shows on DVD.
Sampson reported that the newsletter subcommittee has Jawj Greenwald's
material from the previous month's meeting, and would like any comments on
the state convention.

Initiatives Committee: Getty talked with Randy Riddle, a former city
attorney. Louise Rennie is part of his firm, and sits on the Police
Commission, which could pose a conflict of interest for the firm, which
the firm was checking on. They would charge $325-350 per hour, or
approximately $6,000 for the whole project.

Working with other parties was discussed, but that effort has not been
started. Sampson passed out copies of the draft initiative; there was
discussion of the specificity of code references, and the binding power of
the initiative should it pass. Starchild noted that Lisa Meyer has
offered to provide legal assistance to the party, and she might be able to
help with initiatives.

The goals of the initiative were revisited: passing a binding initiative,
educating the public, building the party, and building bridges to other

A motion was drafted:

1. Review of wording of the initiative will take place over the next
week, and no longer.

2. The Executive Committee will meet next weekend (17-19 March) to
consider the wording and to authorize expenditure of up to $500 from
general funds to consult with an attorney concerning the wording's
ability to (a) pass muster, and (b) accomplish in a binding way the
objectives set forth. The Executive Committee may authorize another
$500 based on that consultation.

3. At the next general meeting of the party (8 April), the attorney's
opinion and wording will be presented to the membership to approve or
deny proceeding to file the initiative.

The motion passed unanimously.

Starchild suggested mailing the party membership to raise funds for the

Meeting space: The agenda was amended to consider this item next. The
unanimous outcome was that Shentrup would look for alternative spaces; the
April meeting would be held in the same space (Cybelle's Front Room), and
that at the April meeting, a definite decision would be made.

Outreach Director: Starchild reported that his campaign was beginning to
take shape. Aaron Russo's film, America: Freedom to Fascism is playing in
San Francisco and San José. There is a mini-convention 27-28 May in Butte
City. His next court date would be the coming Wednesday, 15 March, at 9

The deadline for free June primary ballot arguments would be 17 March; the
deadline for paid arguments would be 22 March. Measures include changes in
Laguna Honda administration, and a so-called "homicide prevention"

Harry Browne's death was noted.

Steve Kubby was out of jail, but had a 14 March court date.

The Institute for Justice is holding a summit on eminent domain in Newport
Beach on 8 April.

Rob Reiner is in legal trouble and might go to jail for his actions
supporting the universal preschool measure while serving on the First 5

The Free State Project had a meeting immediately prior to the party meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm PST with the intention of continuing
after a break, but did not formally reconvene.