Dear Friends,
I'm pleased to report considerable progress over the last month. We
successfully completed our first fund-raising auction. We've had two
radio interviews air. Both Harry "O" Osibin of "Live 105" and Sam Van
Zant of "Street Talk Live at "The WAVE" gave me half hour interviews for
their community affairs programming. Sam Van Zant is sending a copy for
the site and inviting me back to do their morning show with DJ Dan
Kelly. The Bay Guardian printed my comments on the protestors.
The San Francisco Chronicle gave me a feature headline "99-1 shot
challenges leaders" for my reply to Michael Yaki's article "Handicapping
the mayoral race" and printed my entire 500+ work rebuttal stating it's
time an Franciscan's "get real" about this mayoral race. I participated
in the mayoral debates held by City Vision channel 29, the Mexican
American Political Association and Swords to Plowshares. The San
Francisco Business Times printed my letters regarding Rent Control and
the proposal to raise San Francisco's minimum wage. Considering that
this campaign is dedicated to business issues, I'm very happy to be
getting so much support from the SF Business Times. You can read and
listen to these articles and interviews by visiting the campaign news
section of the website at And if you care about
San Francisco business, please subscribe to the SF Business Times.
This Sunday we bring the campaign to the people at the Haight Street
Fair. Our booth will be on the South side of Haight between Belvedere
and Cole. The Haight Street Fair is one of San Francisco's best
expressions of personal freedom. I will be there to celebrate our
personal freedom and to lobby for the economic freedom we want and need.
And we are going to spoof the political system with a government
"wishing well". Please contact Ted Arbuckle at ted@... to sign
up to work the booth.
The Michael Denny for Mayor campaign will also be participating in the
Juneteenth parade in the Fillmore on Saturday June 14th and the Pride
Parade on June 29th with the Outright Libertarians. If you think you'd
enjoy marching down the street with other Denny for Mayor Supporters at
these events, please contact the Michael Denny for Mayor campaign at
info@.... We would love to have you join us.
We are just getting warmed up....and there is lots more to do.
Thank you one and all for your support.
Michael F. Denny
Libertarian Candidate for San Francisco Mayor
Ph: (415) 986-7677 x123
Fax: (415) 986-4004
JUNE 6, 2003
Michael Denny, Libertarian Candidate for Mayor,
Spoofs the Political System at Sunday's Haight Street Fair
Denny offers a "Wishing Well" where citizens can make wishes for what
they want from government (but know only the insiders win)
Who: Michael Denny is a 25-year resident of San Francisco, a successful
business owner, and a father of four. As a libertarian, he understands
that everyone benefits from economic and personal freedom,
responsibility, and very limited government. He encourages choice for
anything peaceful and responsible. He knows property rights encourage
affordable housing, home ownership, and healthy environments. He
opposes failed big-party politics, war, and the loss of privacy and
Liberty. He opposes quotas restraining our best and brightest, business
welfare, and disarming victims of violence and crime. He opposes
politics based on sexual orientation, gender, and race. His campaign is
dedicated to a free and prosperous San Francisco.
What: The Haight-Asbury Street Fair, offers an ideal venue for mayoral
candidate Denny to meet the electorate, present his solutions for a
financially strapped City, and to discuss how the in-bred political
machine serves only their own interests and not those of the citizens.
Where: Haight Street, south side, between Cole and Belvedere.
When: This Sunday, June 8 from 11:00 to 5:30 pm.
Why: The mainstream candidates are beholden to the special interest
groups that have supported them through their careers. They have no
interest in serving the citizens, only their insider cronies. Michael
Denny takes his message of personal and economic freedom and
responsibility directly to those who have the most to gain or lose in
this election, the people of San Francisco. The Haight Street Fair is
one of San Francisco's best expressions of personal freedom. Michael
Denny is there to celebrate our personal freedom and to lobby for the
economic freedom we want and need.
Contact: For interviews with Michael Denny, please visit him at the
Haight-Ashbury Street Fair or contact
Eric Brenner