Message from a Prop. B opponent

Hi Howard,

  Thanks for your response. Since we're talking politics and nothing personal, I trust you don't mind that I'm copying this message with our correspondence to our local LPSF discussion list. I think it's a safe bet that all of us are opposed to the Central Subway project, and as an organization would be interested in helping see it ended.

  We would prefer, however, that taxpayers be allowed to keep their money currently being spent on this boondoggle, rather than have it directed into some other government program.

  Are you aware that there used to be competing independent transit companies in San Francisco? They served the city better than the government-monopoly Muni system does today. Would you agree with allowing more independent competition with Muni again, and fewer subsidies and bailouts of the transit monopoly, so that riders can have more choices and better service?

Love & Liberty,
                                 ((( starchild )))
Outreach Director, Libertarian Party of San Francisco