Measures on primary ballot

I just called the Dept. of Elections to find out if there are any
local measures on the primary ballot in June, and what the deadlines
are for ballot arguments.

There are two measures so far, "the Laguna Honda measure" (as if I
should have known about it -- should I?) regarding zoning for
healthcare facilities, and a charter amendment from the Board of
Supervisors regarding "homocide prevention plan / survivor assistance
/ funding for violence prevention programs". They're not online yet
but they're available for photocopying at the Dept. of Elections.

The deadline for proponents/opponents ballot arguments is March 17 at
noon (with selection the same day at 2pm). The deadling for correcting
"errors in spelling and grammar" in such arguments is March 20 at
noon. The deadline for rebuttals is March 21 at noon. The deadline for
paid ballot arguments is March 22 at noon, with correction of "errors
in spelling and grammar" accepted until March 23 at noon.



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