Marcy & LPSF,
Marcy, I agree with your statements: "Curfews are just as dumb as gun bans."
"Only the law abiding obey either." I'll add the following thought: Parents
that allow their kids to be on the streets between midnight and 5 AM are not
good parents. Because of the bad example set by their parents, these children
are likely to get into lots of trouble, regardless of a government imposed
If government is allowed to set curfews, what's to stop them from expanding
the curfew to include adult behavior that politicians, government bureaucrats
and "do-gooders" don't like. We already have smoking bans, last call for
alcohol at 1:45 AM, restrictions on Sunday alcohol sells, etc. Now government is
talking about banning smoking in privately-owned cars, legislation calling
for a $2.60 per pack cigarette tax increase, and taxing or banning (same
thing) fried foods, extorting million$ from fast food restaurants and talk of
obesity being a "public health" crisis. The best way to keep government from
expanding is to never give government a foot-in-the-door. Any thoughts?
All the best,
Don Fields