Mayor Proposes Kid Curfew and Other Moves Impacts Poli...

Marcy & LPSF,

Marcy, I agree with your statements: "Curfews are just as dumb as gun bans."
"Only the law abiding obey either." I'll add the following thought: Parents
that allow their kids to be on the streets between midnight and 5 AM are not
good parents. Because of the bad example set by their parents, these children
are likely to get into lots of trouble, regardless of a government imposed

If government is allowed to set curfews, what's to stop them from expanding
the curfew to include adult behavior that politicians, government bureaucrats
and "do-gooders" don't like. We already have smoking bans, last call for
alcohol at 1:45 AM, restrictions on Sunday alcohol sells, etc. Now government is
talking about banning smoking in privately-owned cars, legislation calling
for a $2.60 per pack cigarette tax increase, and taxing or banning (same
thing) fried foods, extorting million$ from fast food restaurants and talk of
obesity being a "public health" crisis. The best way to keep government from
expanding is to never give government a foot-in-the-door. Any thoughts?

All the best,

Don Fields

Hi Don,

A couple of days ago, we on this list were searching for a one-
sentence description of a Libertarian. Borrowing from your words, I
would like to suggest: "Libertarians are folks who believe in never
giving government a foot in the door!"

Once government gets a foot in the door, its actions become not only
overt, with gun bans, smoking bans, and curfews, but also
insidious: "Danger lurks, so you people need the protection of gun
bans, smoking bans, and curfews." Pretty soon, we find ourselves
focusing on the lurking dangers instead of the bans. And I believe
this focus can affect the do's and dont's we, as parents, institute
in our families.

What if all who meant well and did no harm stayed out late if they
and/or their parents chose? Could we not, as the saying goes, "take
back the night"?


Marcy & LPSF,

Marcy, I agree with your statements: "Curfews are just as dumb as

gun bans."

"Only the law abiding obey either." I'll add the following

thought: Parents

that allow their kids to be on the streets between midnight and 5

AM are not

good parents. Because of the bad example set by their parents,

these children

are likely to get into lots of trouble, regardless of a government



If government is allowed to set curfews, what's to stop them from


the curfew to include adult behavior that politicians, government


and "do-gooders" don't like. We already have smoking bans, last

call for

alcohol at 1:45 AM, restrictions on Sunday alcohol sells, etc. Now

government is

talking about banning smoking in privately-owned cars, legislation


for a $2.60 per pack cigarette tax increase, and taxing or banning


thing) fried foods, extorting million$ from fast food restaurants

and talk of

obesity being a "public health" crisis. The best way to keep

government from

expanding is to never give government a foot-in-the-door. Any


How about, "Libertarians are folks who believe in giving government a foot in the ass, not a foot in the door!" 8)

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