Malcolm Greenhill: Does Anarchy have a Bad Rap?

Hi All,

Below are details of an upcoming event not to be missed. Malcolm Greenhill, ultimate anarchist, will the guest speaker at this coming Wednesday's Wellness Central Vegan Dinner. Dinner is 6:00 pm, and guest speaker follows. Malcolms's talk is entitled, "Does anarchy have a bad rap?"


"This Wed. evening, June 26 at 6 pm, at the Opera Plaza Community Center, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco, a comprehensive list of vegan and raw sources for vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be handed out to those present. This list will have it all, your one stop for essential nutritional information in meal and diet planning. There will be discussion and opportunity for questions.

First, enjoy a fabulous, rejuvenating vegan dinner planned by a certified Nutrition Consultant with a national reputation. Patricia Allen Koot, NE, NC, continues to receive acclaim for the health-supporting aspects of her dinners at Opera Plaza. Totally vegan and totally health-supporting, this dinner is made without eggs, dairy, honey, oil or added sugars. You will feel the difference in your well-being that night and the next day.

And it is all you can eat. Bring a container and take some home with you.

After dinner, and after the nutritional list is handed out, stay for an intriguing presentation by a Bay Area professional, Malcolm Greenhill, CFP, entitled, "Does Anarchy Have a Bad Rap?"

Malcolm Greenhill CFP, is President of Sterling Futures, a fee-based San Francisco financial planning firm. He is a founding member of the San Francisco Financial Planning Association and is a past President and past Chairman of that organization. He has taught graduate financial planning course at Golden Gate University in San Francisco and writes about financial, economic and wealth related issues life on his award winning personal blog

Malcolm has an anarchist squint on life which cuts across the political spectrum. Far for seeing anarchy as a distant and utopian goal, Malcolm sees the forces of anarchy working everywhere and especially in those areas which are most meaningful to us: law, language, culture, customs, cities and the internet. His goal in the talk will be to help us see the world through a different lens, a perspective on voluntarism, insubordination and apparent chaos.

Enjoy this triple feature night at the Opera Plaza Community Room, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco. Take the elevator to the first floor, then security will key you down to the mezzanine for the event.

A fifteen dollar requested donation covers the all you can eat vegan dinner plus the list and discussion about vegan sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, AND the lecture on anarchy. The Nutritionist donates her time. Funds go toward facility rental, food, transport and other costs.

Call (888) 234-1361 to RSVP, or email to: RSVP@...

Presented by Wellness Central,"