It looks like they chopped off about 60 percent of my letter (see original below), however I can't really blame them for leaving out what they did in this case. The omitted section was promoting a book and various websites and talking about writing the letter on Bill of Rights Day, which was long past by the time they published it.
The reason it had all that material in it is that I began this as a letter to the reporter who wrote the story. I'll often try to communicate directly with reporters in order to educate them on libertarian issues. After sending it to her, I just made a couple very minor alterations to what I'd written and resent it as a letter to the editor. Thus it has a bit more of a personal tone and is probably a bit more disjointed than would have been the case if I'd started out writing a letter to the editor from the get-go.
I note that they did not contact me to confirm authorship. By the way, I hope you all had a merry Christmas, if you celebrate that holiday (hell, even if you don't), or solstice, or whatever else you may celebrate... I'd hate to leave anyone out, but I also dislike the blandness of "happy holidays," and don't really like reciting the list of Xmas, Hanukkah, Solistice, and Kwanzaa either. Another modern dilemma. Anyway, best wishes to all of you who are fighting for freedom in these interesting times.
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
Letter as published:
Keep gun shows
THE EXAMINER recently reported that the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is trying to stop gun sales at the Cow Palace ("Cow Palace gun shows under fire," Dec. 12).
This would be a tragic and senseless move, because guns save lives. Shutting down gun shows and forcing legitimate gun dealers out of business has the effect of preventing ordinary people (especially poor people living in dangerous neighborhoods) from having access to the means to protect themselves.
It has been shown that there is a correlation between strict gun control laws and high rates of violent crime. Criminals are more likely to think twice about attacking someone if they know the person may be armed.
You certainly can't count on the police to be there when you need them. In some cases, the police may even be the problem.
That's what led the Black Panthers to carry guns during the 1960s. And gun control has been notoriously unsuccessful at keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals.
San Francisco