LPSF Table At The Rally


  I hadn't expected to bring the LPSF's fold-up table, so didn't
mention it in advance. However I subsequently realized I can carry it
while riding my bike by putting it in my large backpacking backpack
and wearing that. Still a little bit of a pain to ride around with all
that stuff on my back, but it's good that at least I've found a
convenient way to do tabling in a pinch without someone with a car
being involved, when the location isn't too far from me. I don't
recall hearing that anyone was planning to bring anything for tabling
at this event, so I decided I should make an effort to bring some
materials for outreach. Unfortunately I didn't get down there till
past 3pm, which is why you didn't see me -- sorry about that.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))