LPSF Strategy Suggestion

On January 28, Oregon voters repudiated a $241 million a year tax
increase referendum - 55% to 45%.

On September 9, Alabama voters shot down a $1.3 Billion tax increase
referendum - 68% to 32%.

On September 16, Seattle voters rejected a referendum to impose a 10
cents a cup tax on expresso coffee - 69% to 31%.

"Holding the line" on taxes IS better than losing ground.

Avoiding a loss IS better than suffering a loss.

And yet.

Taxpayers in Oregon and Alabama and Seattle are no better off after
the vote than they were before the vote.

They still have the same Big Government and high taxes they had
before the vote.

"No new taxes" is NOT enough.

"Repeal, remove, reduce taxes" is the only way to make government
small. And small government is the only way to make taxes low and
keep them low.

In the 24 states that have the ballot initiative, in the thousands of
communities that have the ballot initiative, Libertarians must launch
and promote bold tax cut initiatives.

Huge tax cuts now. Huge spending cuts now. Boldly move toward small


So taxpayers can reap the big, immediate, direct benefits of our
Libertarian tax cuts and repeals.

To advance liberty, we must go on the offensive.

To advance liberty, we must put the supporters of Big Government
on the defensive.

We must keep them on the defensive. Make them expend their energies
trying to "hold the line". Let them try to rally their
supporters around "No new tax cuts."

Libertarians and our allies must relentlessly launch pro-liberty
ballot Initiatives. Again and again. Year after year. Until we win.

Until state and local government is small and constitutionally
restricted to defending our lives, liberty, and property.

And that just might create enough momentum to dramatically shrink the
federal government.

This could be the start of something small.

Small government is possible,

Carla Howell and Michael Cloud


Instead of spending our time arguing about nukes, why don't we start writing some anti-legislation (the kind that has lots of strike-out text) for the next voting season?


Dr. Michael R. Edelstein wrote:


Great idea!

Would you be willing to write a draft? Then I (and I'm sure others)
will help you edit and polish it up.

Best, Michael