LPSF.org banner ads / Prop. K town hall speakout Thursday 7-9pm

Hi Rob,

You asked for input re: LPCA handling our dough. Fine with me, IF (1)
I ever see regular dues-share checks from them; and (2) We are certain
to have the names of the members/donors in an LPSF list for us to
contact them when we want to. Of course, because I am basically
paranoid, I would prefer that LPSF handle our own money ourselves, but
I can see your point of delegating that task and paying for the service.


Quick reply before sleep:

1) Marcy, click the postcard image, and it will pop up a zoomed in


2) Starchild, thanks for catching the typo.
3) The "pill" at the top was a menu bar for which I hadn't populated


menu items. There are 3 now (the membership PDF and the 2 Yahoo


I was about to add "Donate to LPSF" but given that the payments go to
our webmaster who has been MIA for a while (seriously, does anyone know
if Bryce is alive and well?), I decided not to add that button yet.
Supposedly, we'll at some point get a referral code from LPC that will
let us redirect new members to the LPC's Click and Pledge Trio page, so
that they handle payments and just send us our share of the dues. What
do you all think about me proposing to the LPC ExCom a similar
arrangement where non-dues donations could be handled in a similar way,
with LPC keeping 10% of donations for overhead costs (I have to give
them some incentive for the extra work for the LPC Treasurer), but
forwarding 90% to us? I think that it would reduce paperwork for us


look a tad more professional than our current PayPal link.

Please discuss here, and we'll also put it on the agenda for the 8th.


Starchild wrote:
> Hear, hear! It' certainly an improvement, and good to have it up
> before the election! I notice one small typo -- near the bottom it
> says "We want the LPSF website to me more of a collaborative
> effort" (should read "be"). I'm also curious what the little pill-
> shaped button near the top of the page is. Just a design element, I
> guess? It doesn't appear to do anything.
> Thanks for putting the Prop. K banner up as well. I don't think I
> posted here about the event on Thursday, so I guess it's a good time
> to mention that we're having a town hall meeting / speakout for the
> measure this Thursday (Oct. 30) at the First Unitarian Universalist
> Church, 1187 Franklin Street at Geary Blvd. Please show up if you can
> make it, especially if you haven't done anything for the campaign
> yet! There's around 3 dozen people on the lpsf-activist list, and
> around 90 on lpsf-discuss. I know you can't all be busy!
> Love & Liberty,
> ((( starchild )))
> > Leaping lizards!!! That's a lot of work, Rob! Thank you for the new
> > lpsf website!
> >
> > Just a thought: is it that I have some sort of antideluvian


> > that I cannot see the ballot recommendations clearly? They look
> > blurred. Otherwise, I see a great website. Everybody go look!
> >
> > Marcy
> >
> >
> > --- In lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:lpsf-activists%40yahoogroups.com>, Rob Power <chair@> wrote:
> > >
> > > I have YES on K and NO on 8 banner ads on www.lpsf.org (the DNS
> > info is
> > > still propagating, so if you still see the old site, check
> > www.lp-sf.org
> > > until you see lpsf.org updated). Starchild and I have clearly been
> > very
> > > involved in these two campaigns. Is anyone else on this list


> > > active in one of the other campaigns that has banner ads? Even
> > though
> > > we don't have a banner ad for Phil's campaign, I at least have


At the same meeting where we were told about the centralized state
membership payment system with referral codes for county parties, we
were also told that the county parties would be able to access the state
member db directly without waiting for Beau to do exports for us. So
that would hopefully answer your #2. Of course, these things have been
promised for months, so who knows? Maybe after the election, they'll
have the time to finish these projects.


Amarcy D. Berry wrote: