Hear, hear! It' certainly an improvement, and good to have it up before the election! I notice one small typo -- near the bottom it says "We want the LPSF website to me more of a collaborative effort" (should read "be"). I'm also curious what the little pill-shaped button near the top of the page is. Just a design element, I guess? It doesn't appear to do anything.
Thanks for putting the Prop. K banner up as well. I don't think I posted here about the event on Thursday, so I guess it's a good time to mention that we're having a town hall meeting / speakout for the measure this Thursday (Oct. 30) at the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin Street at Geary Blvd. Please show up if you can make it, especially if you haven't done anything for the campaign yet! There's around 3 dozen people on the lpsf-activist list, and around 90 on lpsf-discuss. I know you can't all be busy!
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))