LPSF Minutes of 09/10/11 [1 Attachment]

Dear All,

Attached and pasted below are the LPSF Minutes of 09/10/11, which Aubrey so kindly volunteered to produce in the absence of Jawj at the meeting. Thank you so much, Aubrey.


Minutes September 10, 2011

Written by Aubrey Freedman (for Jawj Greenwald)

Minutes of the LPSF Meeting of September 10, 2011

Members Present:
Phil Berg, Marcy Berry (Chair), Aubrey Freedman, Les Mangus (Treasurer),
and Starchild.

Guests: Bryan
Adams, Tony Adams, and Jim Korn

Officers Reports

Chair: Marcy Berry
reported that she (along with her daughter and also Aubrey) went to a Jeff
Adachi fundraiser for Mayor as a show of support for Jeff Adachi, the proponent
of Proposition D, the pension reform measure.

Treasurer: Les Mangus
reported that the LPSF has $4,588.56 in its coffers. The amount has gone down in the last month
due to a major expenditure of $1,244.00 for ballot arguments for the November
election (offset by donations of $154.00) and the annual payments of the voice
mail, domain name, and web hosting ($345.70).

Secretary: Minutes of
the August meeting were posted online.
Jawj is in England at this time.

Committee Reports

Internet/Social Networking:
Ron is working today, though he and Marcy continue to post on Facebook
with Libertarian messages. Marcy said
she would post a message in her Facebook inviting Libertarian high school
teachers to visit our website and download the educational material that Rob
put in there (see below).

Initiatives/Ballot Measures:
See below.

Membership: No

Outreach: No report.

Political Candidates/Activists’ Report: Marcy reported that the mailing of the CD’s
that Rob Power prepared for local high school civics teachers was
completed. 82 packages were mailed at a
cost of $52.48 (envelopes donated by Marcy).
She reported that she was first told the packages would cost 64 cents
each to mail, but when she went to the Post Office, the clerk told her it was
$1.75 each. So she left and returned at
a later time, and it was back to 64 cents each.


The next two meetings of the LPSF will be back at the Main
Library on the fourth floor.

Starchild’s SF Liberty Coalition most likely will not meet
next Thursday, September 15 due to the venue at 50 Mason Social House being
booked for another event that day.

Old Business

Report on Ballot Argument Filings: Aubrey reported that the LPSF will have three
arguments in the November 2011 voter pamphlet—Proposition A (argument selected
in the lottery against school bonds), Proposition D (argument for Jeff Adachi’s
pension reform measure paid by the LPSF), and Proposition G (argument against
sales tax increase paid by the LPSF and partly offset by donations).

Applying for IRS ID for LPSF Bank Account: Marcy filled out Form SS-4 and is ready to
send it off to the IRS. She proposed
that social security numbers on LPSF’s bank account be replaced by LPSF’s own ID
number for banking purposes only. There
was some discussion about whether the LPSF would continue to enjoy not being
charged a monthly service fee. Starchild suggested that we make a big fuss
if they do start charging, as it would be poor PR by the bank if they did
so. Marcy’s proposal was approved, and
she will send off the Application for Employer ID # to the IRS.

LPSF PayPal Account Update:
Marcy reported that we received all the monies from Bryce when PayPal
was tied to his social security number and she is applying to the IRS for the
LPSF’s own ID number (see above).

New Business

LPSF Voice Mail, Domain Name, Web Hosting, & Mail
Box: Marcy reported that the annual
bills for voice mail, domain name, and web hosting have just been paid, but
what should we do about our mail box — stay with a private box (around $240) or
change to an USPS box (around $98)?
Starchild and Phil each expressed an interest in checking out different
private boxes that might be cheaper than $240.
Marcy stressed that the current box rental expires on October 15, so if
nobody comes up with a better idea, we will renew the current arrangement.

Mailing of LPSF Postcards:
Aubrey reported that he has started work on combining names from the
local and national membership lists to come up with a good mailing list for the
postcards featuring the LPSF’s recommendations for the November election. There was some discussion about whether
sending the postcards is a good investment of time and funds, especially since
so many always come back returned by the Post Office. The general consensus was that it is worthwhile,
and perhaps we can use the returned postcards in a tabling event or something
like that where they wouldn’t be wasted.
$150 was authorized for this project, and Aubrey promised that he would
not mail any postcards to any addresses that look iffy. The goal is to have the postcards mailed out
around the time that the voter pamphlets are mailed out in early October. Starchild noted that they should be mailed
before absentee voters can start mailing in their ballots, so Aubrey said he
would call the Department of Elections to get the date when absentee voting

Guidelines for LPSF Candidate & Ballot Argument
Contributions/Expenses: Les brought up
the problem of the LPSF paying more than $1,000 to the Department of Elections
for Propositions D & G. He feels
this may trigger the LPSF having to start filing a special form with the
government—a long, complicated 8-page report to fill out. There was some discussion about what if part
of the funds came from the LPSF and part came from private individuals—would
that still trigger the necessity of filing this report? In the end, no one knew for absolute
certainty, so the proposal was made to always keep it under $1,000 per election
from now on, just to be on the safe side.

In-Meeting Activism—LPSF Participation in the November 8,
2011 Election: Starchild presented a
synopsis of the candidates running for office that the LPSF might consider
supporting. He is highly favorable with
Jeff Adachi for Mayor (but feels Terri Baum as an outsider might be a good
choice too), Ross Mirkarimi for Sheriff (for the converse reason that might
make him a poor choice for Mayor, his left leanings might make him a reasonable
choice for Sheriff), and Trinh Vu for District Attorney (presented some
interesting ideas at the SF Liberty Coalition event in July). There was some discussion that for this
election the LPSF might want to post its recommendations for office on the
postcards. We decided that we would have
an online discussion about the mayoral candidates and try to come up with some
kind of consensus for recommendations to be added to the postcards mailed in
early October. The Executive Committee
members will vote on the matter.

SF Liberty Coalition:
Starchild brought up some ideas that he may feature in future events. One is Chinese power politics in the Chinese
community in San Francisco, and another is neighborhood opposition to RV
camping on Ocean Beach.