LPSF Minutes of 03/13/10 [1 Attachment]

Dear All,

Attached and pasted below are the LPSF Minutes for meeting of 03/13/10 send today by Jawj. I believe best for me to post the minutes on the LPSF website once they are approved. Next meeting of April 10, we will be approving this as well as the February Minutes.



Minutes of the LPSF Meeting of March 13, 2010

Members Present: Marcy Berry (Chair), Phil Berg, Michael
Edelstein, Francoise Fielding, Ron Getty, Jawj Greenwald (Secretary), Rob
Power, Richard Winger.

Non-members: Sheila Dean.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer: Marcy Berry reported on last month’s
     lack of bank account activity. The
     balance in the LPSF account remains $2,320.27.

Secretary: Jawj Greenwald had no

            Review of the Minutes of the
Meeting of February 13, 2010 was deferred until the next meeting to give
members time to read them.

Committee Reports:

Initiatives/Ballot Measures: Ron
     Getty circulated a description of the seven initiative measures to appear
     on the June ballot. They are

New limitations on landlord pass-throughs of certain taxes and costs
under rent control.

Requirement for a police budget line item for costs of providing
security for officials and dignitaries.

Policy statement that a new state high speed rail site should be located
where the current Transbay Terminal is.

Bond measure to upgrade and earthquake proof police stations, fire
stations, and certain water and infrastructure facilities.

Reductions in health and pension benefits for future city employees.

Creation of a Film Commission.

Continuation of special parcel tax for the Unified School District.

Internet Communication/Social
     Networking: Sheila Dean
     reported difficulty accessing the Discussion list. Rob Power will add her.

Outreach: No report. Starchild was

Membership: Marcy Berry reported
     that there were no new memberships or renewals this month.


Richard Winger discussed the campaign to defeat Proposition
14, “the top-two primary” measure on the June California ballot. He reported efforts to challenge the current
ballot label, which now reads “Elections.
Increases right to participate in primary elections,” and is not quite
as neutral as official titles are meant to be.
He has given several recent interviews.
He circulated a 3-page letter to a California Congressional candidate providing
detailed arguments “con” that we might want to use in our own letters and

Rob Power distributed a sticker with his photo that he is
using in his campaign for Secretary of the Libertarian National Committee.

Rob Power reported on efforts to ban a $49 charge to be a
delegate to the national party. A motion
to endorse a national by-laws change to ban floor fees at the national
convention was passed unanimously.

Old Business:

     LPSF Business Cards. Rob Power volunteered to design a
two-sided business card featuring the world’s smallest political quiz that we
might use to promote the LPSF. He will
contact Sharon Harris of the Advocates to ask if we can use their quiz. He will print an initial run of 250 cards,
and will be provided or reimbursed for standard business card (10 per page)

Marcy Berry updated us on Phil Berg’s and Christina Tobin’s
campaigns and signature-gathering efforts.
Both gathered enough signatures to qualify as candidates, and Phil has
an extra 30 to reduce his filing fee if they get counted. Christina spoke to a national group of
students against the drug war and to Fox News, among other interviews. Her website is TobinforCA.org. Phil has recruited Sheila Dean as his
campaign manager. He hopes to raise
enough money to pay her something. The
campaign’s initial focus is on fundraising, budget planning and recruitment of
a campaign committee (although campaign laws allow him to raise $5000 without a
committee). Anyone interested in joining
his committee should contact Phil at philzberg@gmail.com
or Sheila at beatthechip@gmail.com.
Phil currently blogs at www.choosepeacenow.us
and Sheila at www.beatthechip.org,
and a campaign website is planned. It
was agreed that our postcard mailing with our ballot initiative recommendations
should also mention Phil’s campaign.

The issue of whether the local party should contribute
directly to campaigns from its limited funds was discussed. A motion to allocate $500 to Phil Berg’s
campaign failed (3-yes, 5-no). Instead,
members were invited to pledge as individuals to the campaign, and $250 was
pledged on the spot.

San Francisco Patrol Special Police.
Ann Grogan will come to our May meeting to discuss the role of the
special police and how we might support them.
We will mention this visit in any postcard we mail with our ballot
initiative recommendations. We will try
to get a list of businesses that have used them.

New Business:

LPSF Membership Dues. Marcy Berry discussed difficulty in getting
prompt reimbursement from the Treasurer of the State party for our share of
local member dues. The possibility of
having local members contribute specifically to the local party was
considered. It was agreed to change the
form used for new members and to have them make checks out to the local LPSF,
from which our Treasurer would forward the State party its share.

California LP Convention Report. Phil Berg and Starchild went to the State
convention. There was a “big brou-ha-ha”
over Matthew Barnes, a convicted child molester on the Executive Committee,
that was resolved by allowing him to resign his post without expelling him from
the party. Wayne Root and Ernest Hancock
had a debate, and one of them will be elected Chair of the national party over
the Memorial Day weekend.

April 15 Tax Protest. Plans for a possible April 15 tax day protest
were discussed. We considered the merits
of distributing our Million Dollar Bills at a BART station versus participating
in some way at a scheduled Tea Party event at Justin Hermann
Plaza. Some expressed concern about associating
ourselves with the organizers of this event.
It was tentatively decided not to sponsor a tax protest activity,
however, because only two of the members present were available to participate. Jawj Greenwald will contact Sally Zelikovsky
of the Bay Area Patriots to find out what kind of participation, if any, the
organizers would allow the LPSF at Justin Hermann Plaza. LPSF members are urged to participate as
individuals in any protest activity they wish.
Starchild will be asked to try to revive the SF Taxpayers’ Union and make its presence felt at tax protests.

One change:

One change:

Thank you, Rob. I will tell Jawj that I changed the number of folks running for LNC Chair.
