LPSF Minutes, Dec. 9, 2006

Minutes for LPSF monthly meeting, December 9, 2006

Members present: Bryce Bigwood, Tim Kuklinsky, Michael Edelstein,
Francoise Fielding, Ron Getty, Justin Sampson (presiding & recording),
Phil Berg, Jeremy Linden, Emily Baratta

Guests present: Steve Dekorte, Eric DuPree, Denis Goddard, Jon Doskow


* "Stop Funding the War" protest is planned for March 19, the
anniversary of the Iraq invasion, at Rep. Pelosi's office. Marc Joffe
is primary organizer, with help so far from Phil Berf and Michael
Edelstein. See www.stopfundingthewar.org

Phil Berg has already obtained a permit in the name of the LPSF.

"Now we just need to get people to come. ... How do you get people
angry enough?" -- Phil

Marc has invited Marin & East Bay Libertarians; Phil is contacting
Krissy Keefer and the local Greens and Democrats.

Kick-off planning meeting was to be held Tuesday, December 19. Contact
Marc Joffe <joffemd@yahoo.com> to get involved.

* The first LPSF Happy Hour was held at Chevy's; 7 or 8 people
attended and stayed until the restaurant closed.

* Both Cybelle's and Milano's had large sports-related parties this
month, so Justin was only able to get a reservation for downstairs at
Cybelle's. Justin has already gotten a reservation for next month at
Milano's, in case we decide to move our meetings there.

* Phil Berg reported that the final vote count from his Congressional
race was 3,300 votes.


* Dave Goggin's social dinner was announced for Dec. 15 on the topic
of currencies (but the dinner has since been postponed); Michael
Edelstein will be speaking at an upcoming dinner on "Why self-esteem
is bad for you."

* Charles Fried was to speak at the Commonwealth Club on Dec. 12 on
"Modern Liberty".

* The Free State Liberty Forum is scheduled for February 23-25 in
Concord, NH. Keynotes include John Stossel and Michael Badnarik, and
some panels will include state legislators. See


* It was decided informally that the next LPSF Happy Hour would be
held at Thirsty Bear, 661 Howard St., on Wednesday, December 13, at

* It was decided unanimously that our next LPSF monthly meeting shall
be held at Milano's, across the street from Cybelle's. It was
suggested that we get a reservation for every month for the next year.

* It was decided unanimously to NOT renew our public access TV
membership. It was suggested that it might be worth it if and when we
develop our own content, but we should just drop it for now.

* The question was raised of why some members drop out of the Party,
and whether we could follow up with them. Phil Berg volunteered to
follow up with members who have dropped out.

* Informal volunteers and nominations were invited for LPSF offices,
to be formally nominated and elected at our January meeting. Francoise
Fielding volunteered for Secretary; Jeremy Linden and Justin Sampson
volunteered for Treasurer; Michael Edelstein nominated Marcy Berry for
Chair; Francoise Fielding nominated Phil Berg for Chair; Phil Berg
nominated Eric DuPree for Vice-Chair.

* Steve Dekorte, Eric DuPree, Emily Baratta, Jeremy Linden, Phil Berg,
Bryce Bigwood, Francoise Fielding, Michael Edelstein, and Justin
Sampson expressed possible interest in attending the 2007 LPC
convention as LPSF delegates. Election of delegates will also occur at
our January meeting.

I wasn't able to be at this meeting, and I'm wondering why the decision was made to drop the public access TV membership. Continuing to air the Libertarian Alternative videos from Mark Selzer seems like a good way for some very low-cost outreach.

  As far as officer elections, I'm also willing to serve as Chair, Vice-chair, or Secretary, and would like to continue as Outreach Director unless elected Chair. I plan to attend the state convention in April and wish to be a delegate.

Love & liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>

  I didn't actually volunteer. I said that if no one else wanted to be secretary, I would be willing to fill the position and you could volunteer me. I also said I already knew I would have to miss both the January and May meetings, so someone would have to take over for me at both of those.
  Thanks for doing the recording at the last meeting.
  Happy Holidays!