LPSF meeting / resolution on national convention & Trump (Sat. May 11, 3-5pm)

Hello all,

Our regular monthly meeting is tomorrow, Saturday May 11, 3-5pm! Please join us if you are able:
In person:
SF main library (100 Larkin Street at Grove, 1/2 block from Civic Center BART), 3rd floor Paley conference room

Video conference link:

JitSi dial in info (if joining by telephone):
US: +1.512.647.1431
UK: +44.203.885.2179
Germany: +49.89.380.38719
PIN: 2600 0559 10#

You may have seen or heard the news that Libertarian national chair Angela McArdle has invited Donald Trump to speak at our upcoming convention in Washington D.C. later this month. A lot of us are not happy about this, because while Trump would be welcome to debate our Libertarian presidential candidates, he’s not coming there to debate and probably won’t even after we have a nominee – he wouldn’t even debate his fellow Republicans during the primary – but just being given a free podium to address our delegates. We’ll be considering a resolution tomorrow demanding the invitation to be rescinded unless he agrees to debate the Libertarian candidates who will be there.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))
Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
(415) 573-7997