LPSF Meeting Minutes - 13 May 2017

Hi everyone,
Please find the minutes from our meeting today below. Let me know if you
have any corrections. These will be posted to the website soon.

LPSF Meeting, 13 May 2017
San Francisco Public Library, 4th Floor conference room

Les Mangus
Nick Smith
Aubrey Freedman
Leonid Miretsky
Alex A.
John D. Heeter
Phil Berg

Activist Reports
Les: Nothing to report

Nick: Went to the California Libertarian Convention in Santa Clara and
wrote up an article about it, and attended the Phil Ting Next10 event
with Aubrey and others.

John: Interested in Bitcoin / blockchain, especially applied to crowd
funding businesses. Currently there is little regulation in this space,
and hopefully it will stay that way.
Alex: New to the party and just starting to be politically active.

Leo: Spending time in online debate groups, discussing Minarchism and

Aubrey: Put out the new newsletter this morning. Attended Phil Ting’s
Next10 town hall event which was an exercise to balance the budget. In
this interactive session, participants “voted” to increase spending and
raise taxes (as expected) but there was at least a
Libertarian/Conservative presence. Also did some tabling at the JSA
convention and talked to high school students who are interested in
politics-- after being briefly uninvited from the event.

Phil: Phil’s friend who has a child at a Berkeley school suggested that
they actually implement “Equal work for equal pay” and sent a list of
faculty above and below the mean salary, saying that everyone above the
line should write a check to everyone below the line to settle the
score. Apparently, it’s complicated.

GGLR Meeting 4th is May 22nd

Membership / Newsletter
21 lifetime members, 22 monthly members
Overall party membership in California is just over 1,000 active
members, which we hope will grow.

Newsletter will be sent to about 300 people, and will be posted.

Webmaster Report
Aubrey’s first article from the newsletter is up on the website. Also,
the top banner has been replaced with an advertisement for our upcoming
panel discussion event. Nick wrote a summary of the CA LP convention,
posted on the website.

Nick: Thinking also of writing up an opinion piece about Net Neutrality,
especially after hearing John Oliver and Jason Stapleton both get it

Treasurer’s Report
Bank of America: $5,481.21
Paypal: $295.95
Total: $5,777.16

Change to Credit Union
Aubrey sent a letter to the IRS to get our Federal ID number and is
awaiting a response. This response letter to issue us a new ID number is
the only thing now blocking us from opening an account at the credit
union. Aubrey called the credit union yesterday to ask if there is
anything we can do, but there’s nothing.

Pride (June 24th and 25th)
Going to ask Michael Acree to revise the pamphlet for Pride. We have our
booth set up and are looking for volunteers. We will be at the Civic
Center plaza.

Panel Discussion
Steve Frank and Starchild will speak as panelists on June 11, at 1:30 PM
in the Latino/Hispanic community room, and Aubrey will probably be the
moderator. Aubrey wrote about his difficulty finding someone to support
the “pro” side in the newsletter. Marcy will advertise the event on
Facebook, and has requested $500 for this, which the party has
authorized. Marcy has also made a list of people to contact to spread
the word about the event and is posting all over already.

Marcy will make a souvenir program for the event, and is asking for $60
to get these printed-- also authorized. This will help spread the
party’s name and show our activism in the community.

Thanks, Nick. Feel like I was there.Françoise Francoise Fielding 820 Stanyan Street,#5 San Francisco, CA 94117 415-386-8643



Excellent minutes and very prompt.

But I do have a correction.

Under “change to credit union”.

You say “This response letter to issue us a new ID number……”

This is incorrect.

It ought to read “The response letter to confirm our FEIN (Federal
Employer Identification Number) …….”

IRS is not going to issue us a new number, but only confirm our existing number.

Les Mangus

Former Treasurer


PS I would like to make a suggestion that you number the paragraphs or blocks of paragraph in your minutes to correspond with the number in the agenda. This would make it easier to refer a particular comment.

Hi Nick. Detailed, accurate, and timely minutes once again--I have no
suggestions for corrections. You're the best thing that came out of the
Gary Johnson campaign😇!
