Dear All,
Ann Grogan, consultant for the San Francisco Patrol Special Safety Program, confirmed that she will be giving her presentation tomorrow at the LPSF meeting. She is bringing three other guests to help in the presentation and take your questions during the Q & A period.
The Patrol Special Police are part of the San Francisco Charter since 1847. They are a PRIVATE organization, paid by the merchants and others who use their services. Yet they receive the same training as the members of the S.F. Police Department.
The premise sounds interesting, especially for us Libertarians, who support private solutions. So, please join us, bring questions, and be ready to have a good, informative time. There is information on , and Or Google Patrol Special Police.
San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, Strong Room, First Floor, right across from the Information Desk, 3:00 pm. If you come by MUNI or BART, the Civic Center Station is a few steps away from the Library. If you drive, the McCallister Street garage is across the street, and is not too expensive.