Libertarian Party of San Francisco monthly meeting and social!
Saturday, July 10, 2021
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
Every 2nd Saturday of the month
The Libertarian Party of San Francisco ( meets on the 2nd Saturday each month, from 3-5pm.
You can either join us in-person at the home of LPSF member Alex Mills, participate online via Jitsi (a video conferencing platform like Zoom), or call in by phone.
This month our guest speaker will be an East Bay entrepreneur who started barbecuing as a hobby and turned it into a home-based business. Lee Thomas of San Leandro has been fighting to make his and other small startups fully legal by getting counties to implement the California Homemade Food Act (aka AB 626), a state law that lets county governments allow small-scale home food operations. Undaunted by NIMBY neighbors who protested an extension of a fence he sought to put up on his own property and who he believes cost him his former seat on the town council, he also plans to run for San Leandro mayor next year. Come hear Lee’s story!
In person:
Alex’s place, 4236 25th Street #3 (between Castro and Diamond), SF 94114
Video conference link:
Dial in:
US: +1.512.647.1431
UK: +44.203.885.2179
Germany: +49.89.380.38719
PIN: 2600 0559 10#
LPSF meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to come be part of the discussion. However in order to vote on party business you must be registered to vote as a Libertarian if eligible (you can register at, and an LP member (you can join the party as a dues-paying member at
Normally we meet in the 3rd floor meeting room at the SF main library at Larkin and Grove streets, with a freewheeling social afterward over dinner at Ananda Fuara vegetarian restaurant (a block away at the corner of Market and Larkin streets), but sadly both venues remain closed due to the government lockdown.
Nevertheless we persevere, and look forward to meeting you, whether in person at Alex’s or online. You’re welcome to call or write if you have any questions. Live free!
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
LPSF chair
(415) 625-FREE